*슈퍼 튜브: 도시 공간의 새로운 활용법 [ FISH DESIGN ] Shanghai Super Tube: The Cultural Metamorphosis of Infrastructure
"건축은 단순한 구조물 이상의 것이다. 그것은 삶의 질을 향상시키고, 사람들을 연결하며, 공동체를 강화하는 도구이다."
— 노먼 포스터(Norman Foster)
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FISH DESIGN-Shanghai Super Tube: The Cultural Metamorphosis of Infrastructure
Wutopia Lab의 슈퍼 튜브: 도시 공간의 새로운 활용법
주제 소개: 이 블로그 글은 상하이 쑤저우강에 위치한 혁신적인 공공 공간인 '슈퍼 튜브(Super Tube)'에 대해 다룹니다.
문제 제기: 기존의 어둡고 활용도가 낮았던 도시의 교차로 하부 공간을 어떻게 활성화할 수 있을까요? Wutopia Lab의 '슈퍼 튜브' 프로젝트는 이러한 문제를 해결하고자 합니다.
흥미 유발: Wutopia Lab의 설계 의도가 어떻게 기존의 공간을 밝고 활기찬 커뮤니티 공간으로 변화시켰는지 알아봅시다.
프로젝트 개요
프로젝트 명: 상하이 쑤저우강 슈퍼 튜브(Shanghai Suzhou River Super Tube)
설계자: Wutopia Lab
위치: 중국 상하이 쑤저우강
설계 컨셉
핵심 개념: 도시의 잉여 공간을 색다른 공공 공간으로 변형
영감: 팝 아트와 대중 문화에서 영감을 얻어 다채로운 색상과 형태를 활용
디자인 특징: 다양한 색상과 기하학적 패턴을 통해 공간의 활기를 불어넣음
설계 컨셉의 구현
구현 방법: 교차로 하부 공간을 다양한 기능의 공공 공간으로 재탄생시킴
구체적 사례: 자전거 도로, 보행자 통로, 휴게 공간, 어린이 놀이터 등을 포함하여 다양한 연령층이 이용 가능하도록 설계
주요 설계 요소
자연 통합: 도시 내의 자연 요소와의 연결보다는 색상과 조명으로 공간의 생동감을 표현
자연재료 사용: 주로 인공 재료와 강렬한 색상을 활용하여 팝 아트적인 느낌을 강조
환경 지속성: 에너지 효율적인 조명을 사용하여 야간에도 밝고 안전한 공간 제공
기술 혁신: 스마트 조명 시스템을 도입하여 시간대에 따라 조명의 색상과 밝기를 조절
사회적 영향: 지역 주민들이 모여서 소통하고 즐길 수 있는 커뮤니티 공간으로 기능
내부 및 외부 디자인
내부 공간: 놀이 시설, 운동 공간, 휴식 공간 등 다양한 기능적 요소를 통합
외부 공간: 다리와 연결된 보행자 및 자전거 전용 도로를 포함
재료의 적용: 강렬한 색상의 페인트와 내구성이 강한 재료를 사용하여 실내외의 조화를 이룸
시각 자료: 아래의 사진들을 통해 설계의 특징을 시각적으로 확인할 수 있습니다.
글로벌 건축 트렌드와 비교 분석
글로벌 트렌드: 뉴욕의 하이라인 파크(High Line Park)와 같이 버려진 도시 공간을 재활용하는 프로젝트들과 유사
특징 비교: 하이라인 파크가 자연 요소를 강조하는 반면, 슈퍼 튜브(Super Tube)는 인공적인 색상과 패턴을 강조
환경 지속성 트렌드: 두 프로젝트 모두 지속 가능한 디자인을 채택하여 도시 환경을 개선
건축가의 의도 구현
Wutopia Lab의 혁신적인 접근 방식은 도시의 잉여 공간을 새로운 커뮤니티 허브로 변신시키는 데 성공했습니다. 슈퍼 튜브(Super Tube) 프로젝트는 도시 내 버려진 공간을 창의적으로 활용하여 새로운 사회적, 경제적 가치를 창출한 모범 사례로 평가받고 있습니다.
이 프로젝트는 팝 아트와 대중 문화에서 영감을 받은 다채로운 색상과 기하학적 패턴을 통해 공간의 생동감을 불어넣었으며, 사람들이 자연스럽게 모여들게 하는 중요한 역할을 했습니다. 색상과 패턴을 통해 공간 자체가 하나의 예술 작품처럼 느껴지게 함으로써 사람들이 더욱 적극적으로 공간을 이용하도록 유도했습니다.
슈퍼 튜브는 젊은 세대가 자유롭게 자신을 표현하고 창의성을 발휘할 수 있는 무대로 설계되었습니다. 다양한 색상과 패턴, 산업 요소를 활용한 디자인은 상하이의 과거와 현재를 연결하고, 미래를 향한 희망과 긍정적인 메시지를 전달하고자 하는 건축가의 의도를 잘 반영하고 있습니다.
비판적 시각: 다만, 유지보수와 관리에 많은 비용이 들 수 있다는 점에서, 밝은 색상의 페인트와 조명 시스템은 시간이 지나면 변색되거나 손상될 가능성이 있어 지속적인 관리가 필요합니다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 공공과 민간의 협력 모델을 도입하는 것이 하나의 해결책이 될 수 있습니다.
미래 전망: 슈퍼 튜브와 같은 공공 공간 프로젝트는 앞으로도 도시의 활용도를 높이고 주민들의 삶의 질을 향상시키는 데 중요한 역할을 할 것입니다. 다양한 연령층이 함께 이용할 수 있는 공간을 제공함으로써 커뮤니티의 결속력을 강화하고, 도시 생활의 질을 향상시킬 것입니다.
모든 세대를 위한 상하이의 새로운 문화 허브
요약: Shanghai Suzhou River Super Tube 프로젝트는 Wutopia Lab의 혁신적인 디자인을 통해 기존의 어둡고 활용도 낮았던 공간을 밝고 활기찬 커뮤니티 공간으로 변모시켰습니다.
교훈 및 시사점: 도시의 잉여 공간도 혁신적인 아이디어와 디자인을 통해 가치 있는 공간으로 재탄생할 수 있습니다.
미래 전망: 앞으로도 이러한 공공 공간 프로젝트는 지속적으로 증가할 것이며, 도시 생활의 질을 향상시키는 데 중요한 역할을 할 것입니다.
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Location: China / Type: Infrastructure / Playgrounds / Under the Bridge / Built: 2023 /
Show on Google Maps / Published on July 18, 2024
Special Mention by the LILA 2024 Jury
As a large metropolis, Shanghai faces the dual challenge of inadequate quantity and low quality of public spaces, as well as the increasing demand for high quality public spaces from the population, all within the constraints of high population density and limited environmental resources. In order to address these challenges, Shanghai has actively implemented urban renewal, […]
As a large metropolis, Shanghai faces the dual challenge of inadequate quantity and low quality of public spaces, as well as the increasing demand for high-quality public spaces from the population, all within the constraints of high population density and limited environmental resources. In order to address these challenges, Shanghai has actively implemented urban renewal, shifting from incremental construction to improving existing infrastructure. It focuses on the previously neglected “space under the bridge,” effectively utilizing and revitalizing the gray space under bridges through renovation and updates to meet the needs of citizens and activate the space. These exploratory practices in Shanghai can provide exemplary guidance and solutions for the development of high density spaces in global metropolises. They will also contribute to the development experience and innovative knowledge for the future development of global metropolises.
Shanghai Super Tube is a public passage space that we specially transformed under the bridge of Suzhou River. The total renovation area is about 1880 square meters. Although it just opened on New Year’s Day 2024, it has already become one of the must visit places for young people. The project is a passage space under the bridge, located at the intersection of two main roads on the east side of Changning District in downtown Shanghai, underneath the main traffic bridge Cao Yang. It is the first infrastructure design node of the leisure and cultural belt under the Suzhou River in Changning District and also serves as the gateway to the three major administrative districts of Changning, Jing’an, and Putuo in Shanghai.
As a space under the bridge, the site has been closed for many years, with surrounding walls built around it, resulting in mixed traffic of pedestrians and vehicles and inconvenient transportation, as well as safety hazards. In addition, the top of the site is covered by the bridge, with a low clearance height, creating a sense of oppression and closure, lacking highlights, and difficult to attract popularity. On the other hand, the Suzhou River, as the mother river of Shanghai, has a very long history of culture and is a cultural symbol of great social value for the people of Shanghai. The space under the bridges along the Suzhou River has served as the information exchange center and commodity trade center for surrounding communities since the 1980s. However, the site before the renovation gradually lost the imprint of traditional community culture along the Suzhou River.
Based on this, the purpose of this transformation is not only to provide convenient transportation for daily travel but also to integrate local cultural atmosphere, achieve the cultural metamorphosis of infrastructure, and create a slow walking space on the banks of the Suzhou River that is friendly for people of all ages. Taking inspiration from a yellow municipal gas pipe that remained on site, the design team used the combination of “pipes” and “colors” as a clever way to break through the problem. The former is a representative element of the industrial history along the Suzhou River and even in modern Shanghai, while the latter is the best choice to change the shady and gloomy atmosphere of the space under the bridge.
1. Functionally integrated field infrastructure.
Urban infrastructure construction often has high engineering professionalism and functional specificity, but it fails to directly link with the construction of high quality urban spaces in daily life. The original site only served as transportation infrastructure with a single function. The transformation design focuses on releasing the spatial ambiguity of infrastructure and constructing “field infrastructure” by overlapping urban public services, in order to promote the construction of high-quality urban public spaces. The renovated Shanghai Super Tube opens its walls, activates the gray space with highly saturated art graffiti, and transforms it into a distinctive gateway showcase space, forming a continuous pedestrian node along the main road of Changning District with Zhongshan Park and 88 Commercial Plaza. The design team cooperated with the owners to plan a series of community commercial services on the site, such as cafes, trendy restaurants, convenience stores, etc., which not only stimulate the economic growth of the surrounding community but also promote community vitality, increase convenience for residents’ daily use, and enhance their sense of happiness. This new form of overlaying public services with urban infrastructure realizes the exploration of a new model for urban infrastructure transformation and renewal.
2. When “Memphis” meets industrial memories.
To recreate the imprint of factory life in the communities along the Suzhou River in Shanghai, the design team specially purchased a batch of discarded industrial pipelines and transformed them into safety fences, seats, and surprising small nodes in the site. The space under the bridge was wrapped with curved steel plates, security monitoring was decorated with colored steel pipes, and non motorized vehicle barriers were replaced with yellow cylinders. The element of “pipeline” becomes an ubiquitous design vocabulary in the site, and these elements not only have a sculptural sense and functionality but also pay tribute to the silhouette of Shanghai’s industrial history, such as storage tanks, paint cans, beer barrels, and vacuum tubes. The large-scale seesaw designed with industrial elements and CCTV cameras cleverly wrapped in Christmas-colored sprayed steel pipes have been loved by users of all ages since their opening. Bold color design is a key technique to change the original dim atmosphere of the site under limited conditions. When the design team packaged the pipes with industrial memory symbolism, they used geometric patterns and bright colors. The dramatic artistic effect formed by these patterns pays tribute to the timeless classic “Memphis style”, which represents the attitude of daring imagination, breaking conventions, and fearless optimism that we hope to convey to users through our work. We not only put a lot of effort into colorful graffiti but also combined various texts with graffiti, including Shanghai slang, project logos, ID codes of Changning and Putuo districts, important names of industrial plants, and deliberately preserved factory slogans. The design of the texts also caters to the needs of young people to check in and provides them with space and materials for their photo-sharing activities. The rough industrial pipelines and language graffiti in local dialects also create different effects. The ground of the pedestrian passage has special patterns, which disrupt and rearrange the English words “SHANGHAI”, “SUZHOU RIVER”, and “INDUSTRY” to form creative nodes when imprinted on the ground.
3. A stage for young people’s free-style performances.
With the installation of colors and graffiti, elements such as pipes, seats, and fences embellish, fill, and redivide the space, and the combination with dazzling lights increases the interactivity and recognizability of the space, while also transforming the dark space under the bridge into a public stage. Young people perform various forms of improvisation here, such as street dance, street bands, skateboarding, and theater. The distinctive site brings unlimited inspiration to young people and provides them with a free and versatile space to showcase themselves, unleash themselves, and sweat their youth, creating a positive cycle of increasing popularity and vitality, and becoming a fertile ground for nurturing art.
“Shanghai is where I grew up, with all my feelings, the first toast, the first love, in the age of eternal innocence ……”
The nostalgic tune of Lippo Beer’s advertisement, “Reasons to Like Shanghai,” resonates deeply with countless Shanghainese, evoking memories of childhood and the city’s industrial heritage. By adorning the wall with the title of this beloved song, our aim is to reignite a sense of connection to Shanghai’s past while inspiring a renewed appreciation for the city’s vibrant present.
from landezine