
*보잉점보 여객기 속, VIP 리빙 스페이스 photographs of boeing jumbo jets transformed into VIP living spaces

5osA 2014. 6. 25. 08:30

당신이 보잉 점보 여객기를 갖고 있는 제2의 만수르라면? 여기 러시아, 중동을 비롯한 중국의 갑부들이 소유, 리노베이션한 개인 여객기의 내부는 진정한 VIP스페이스로, 마스터 베드룸, 20인용 쇼파, 개인 탈의실, 레인샤워를 즐길 수 있는 풀 베스룸, 개인 사무공간 및 응접실 등 럭셔리 공간으로 디자인된다.

what happens when you have billions of dollars in the bank, and can’t figure out what to do with the extra millions worth in spare change? you buy an empty boeing jumbo jet of course, primed and ready to install master bedroom suites, 20-person sofas, private changing rooms, and full bathrooms with built-in rain showers. according to wired, commercial jet manufacturers have been replacing the rows of economy seats in their aircraft with sofas and entertainment centers since the late 1990s. an influx of billionaires from russia, the middle east, and china has led boeing to focus on their private jet branch. since opening in 1996, the seattle-based aircraft manufacturing company has delivered 195 of 217 total orders received – which at $280 million for a boeing 747-8, costs a pretty penny.

an private interior for a boeing 747-8 – the plane’s 4,786 sq ft of open space can be set up as desired

this boeing features a full bathroom with a shower, a bedroom suite, and room for up-to 28 guests in total

boeing interior with a shower and king-size bed hidden in the rear

this boeing 747-8 has sleeping room for eight

from  designboom