*중립과 개성 사이- 포프투칼 민호 호텔 [ Virgula i ] Hotel MINHO Renewal and Expansion
민호(Minho) 호텔의 리뉴얼과 확장 프로젝트는 2006년 건설된 하나의 건물에서 시작되었다. 이 건물은 새로운 공공시설과 온천으로 2014년에 개조되었는데, 확장 부분은 현존하는 건물의 건축을 유지하는 선에서 계획되었다. 비록 그 건물이 평범하고 특징이 없는 디자인이기는 하지만 이에 좀 더 효과적인 이미지를 덧붙이는 것으로 설계되었다.
일단 그 솔루션은 매우 단순하면서도, 구조물들을 유지하면서도 주 출입구 아래 층들에 새로운 공간을 도입하는 방식을 통해 일부 공간 내에서는 상당히 내향적인 편이었다. 초록의 지붕과 기존 외부의 흰색 벽들은 새로운 건축들의 시각적 영향을 최고 수준으로 감소시키기 위한 것이었다.
지역이나 현지의 자재, 건설적인 전통 및 특유의 건축술과의 더욱 강한 연대를 추구하면서도 밤나무 목재를 사용한 점은 확장 공사의 특성중 하나가 되었다. 주변에 풍부하게 제공된 밤나무는 새로운 프로그램의 고정 장치로써, 새로운 공간들의 한계를 창조해냈다. 나무 상자들은 호텔 조직의 새로운 구성요소가 되었는데, 호텔 내외의 분위기와 톤을 조성하면서도 각 층 사이에 강력한 연속성을 조성하는 역할을 한다.
인테리어 디자인
민호 호텔의 건축 프로젝트는 글로벌한 건축적 전략의 강력한 일부로써 내부 디자인을 결정하였다. 내부와 외부의 차이점은, 껍질로써의 건축과 그 핵심으로써의 내부 디자이너라는 단순한 솔루션 안에 의도적으로 희석되었다. 이번 프로젝트는 민호 지역 현지 특유의 건축을 기반으로 60년 대 포르투칼의 근대적 건축 및 상품 디자인 속에 이번 프로젝트의 주요 영감들이 살아 숨쉬고 있다.
재료 및 제품들
민호 호텔 건축의 내외부 클래딩, 천장, 가구, 간판 시스템 등 모든 곳에 사용된 목재는 이베리아 밤나무인데, 이는 이베리아 반도 북동부에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 일반적인 재목 중 하나이다. 주요 재료와 여타의 것들 사이에 적정한 균형을 유지하기 위해 항상 중립적이면서도 하얀섹 팔레트를 기본으로 하였다. 이러한 가운데 천정에 매달린 램프만큼이나 몇 몇 특유의 아이템들만큼이나.하얀 색의 카라라 대리석은 벽과 바닥 두 군데 모두에 사용되었다. 흰색의 벽과 흰색의 래커 패널, 유리, 거울들은 목재와 접목하여 중립적 특징을 강조하고 있다. 그리고 나머지는 가구와 여타의 장식적인 아이템에 따라 그 특징을 달리 하고 있는데 수많은 빈티지 아이템과 근현대적인 제품을 적절히 사용하고 있다.
Hotel Minho renewal and extension project starts from a building constructed in 2006, renovated in 2014 with new public areas and spa. The extension was designed to maintain the existing building’s architecture, despite its plain and common design, introducing a more effective image to the hotel.
Architects: Virgula i
Location: Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal
Project Lead Architect And Interior Design: JP Pereira
Design Team: Pedro Guedes, Teresa Aguiar and Pedro Durães Leite
Year: 2014
Photographs: Nelson Garrido, Eva Sousa
Engeneering Projects: Termoprojeto – Engenharia e Projectos, Lda.
Termoprojeto Engenharia E Projectos, Lda: R2 Design – www.r2design.pt
Furniture Makers: Paularte – www.paularte.com
Renewal: 520m2 – social areas
Extension: 908m2 – spa; 226m2 – new social areas; 425m2 – business floor; 340m2 – technical and mechanical areas
Site Area: 10.560m2
The solution intended to be very simple and in some spaces, highly introverted, retaining the existing structures and introducing the new areas in the floors below the main entrance. The green roof and the continuity of the existing exterior white walls are intended to decrease to the highest level the visual impact of the new constructions.
Pursuing a stronger relation with the site, local materials, constructive traditions and vernacular architectonic icons, the new extension used chestnut wood as one of the main features. This material, abundant in the surroundings, is used as the retainer of the new programs, being responsible for creating the limits of the new spaces. The wood boxes are the new element of organization of the hotel, creating the mood and the tone for the interior and exterior design, stating a strong continuity between every single floor.
The project was developed to the smallest detail, integrating interior and exterior space, using efficiently the natural light, the visual philter of the inner patios and the design of several decoration items that might range from furniture, lighting or even the hotel sign system.
The interior design:
Hotel Minho architecture project determined the interior design as a strong part of the global architecture strategy. The difference between in and out, architecture as a shell and interior design as its core, was deliberately faded into one single solution.
As mentioned above, because we were dealing with an existing building, the project intended to maintain the main features of the existing architecture on the outside, but working more freely on the inside. The materials, the furniture, the balance between finishes, the relation between the architectonic solutions and the mood tone of the interior design, were completely redefined by creating new ambiances for the hotel.
The wood volumes introduced in the several floors of the hotel, commonly going from the inside to the outside, link these two areas of the hotel and its surrounding. These volumes host the new hotel programs, such us the business areas, the spa treatment rooms, among others, all with very simple, plain, geometric and cladded in local chestnut wood, resulting in strong interiors, full of character, with the right tone of light and warmth. Because the hotel is located in a region where the woods, the river and the local traditions are the main attractions, the interior design intended to be very natural, seeming to be there since ages, opening its views to the best landscape of the surroundings or when not possible, opening itself to private exterior areas created by the new extensions. Its frequent the links established between modernistic details from the mid XX century to certain aspects of the architecture carpentry or furniture mercenary. The project rejected the trendy, the fashionable or the “hotel design” tendency. In fact, to achieve this, several items of furniture, lighting, upholstery and spa treatment features were developed by the studio in order to achieve the right visual impact that was demanded by this pictoric imaginary.
The main inspirations were breathed in the Portuguese modern architecture and product design of the 60’s, as well as on the local vernacular architecture of the Minho region. International names as Arne Jacobsen, Alvar Aalto and local giants as Arménio Losa, Januário Godinho and Álvaro Siza, have strong direct and indirect influence in the work and some of them with furniture items introduced in the Hotel Minho project.
Materials and products:
The wood used in all Hotel Minho construction items – interior and exterior cladding, ceilings, furniture, sign system – is Iberian chestnut wood, a common one in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. The project invested in having the right balance between this main material and the other ones, always neutral and based on a white palette. Among these, white Carrara marble was used both in walls and flooring, as well in some special items such as suspended lamps, counters and washbasins. White walls, white lacquered panels, glass and mirrors were frequently used to accentuate the neutral element facing wood. The rest is up to the furniture and all the remaining decorative items.
On this matter, besides the numerous items developed by the studio (more than 20 products, repeated to a total of 131 pieces), the project used many vintage items collected from local stores, re-manufactured important furniture design items left behind such as the Pousada easy chair (1951) by Januário Godinho, and used many contemporary and modern products in accordance with the same principles: warm, elegant and efficient design. The furniture developed to the project have now evolved to a new collection called Bracara, developed between our studio and Portuguese brand Paularte – www.paularte.com – and will be release in the beginning of 2015 into the international market, with new items reflecting over the same concepts.
from archdaily