
*소셜 포럼 센터 [ studio gang-arcus center ] open forum for social justice

5osA 2014. 12. 11. 13:00

소셜리더쉽 육성을 위한 아쿠스센터는  kalamazoo college  내 위치, 열린토론을 위한 오픈스페이스와 다양한 공용시설을 제공한다. 3개축으로 이루어진 건축환경은 다방향성 접근과 주변환경과의 밀착된 공간구현을 생성한다. 내부는 프로그램은 중심부에 자리한 전시 또는 강의공간; 중앙홀과 스터디 및 소모임 지원을 위한 세미 프라빗 스페이스로 구성된다. 여기에 센터의 수렴되는 외부형태는 캠퍼스 내 학생들을 위한 외부 아레나를 생성, 건축물의 독창적인 외형적 특징을 배가시키는 외부마감과 함께 고유한 캐릭터를 완성한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

the ‘arcus center for social justice leadership’ provides an open and public facility on the university campus of kalamazoo college, in michigan, USA, for promotion of civil equity discussions. the building was designed by studio gang architects, and takes a tri-axial shape for multidirectional access and views to the surrounding context. the center is comprised of a flexible central area that accommodates exhibitions or lectures, as well as a series of flanking semi-private spaces for study and meetings.

location: kalamazoo, michigan, USA
status: opened september 19, 2014
size: 10,000 sqf
LEED rating: targeted gold
owner: kalamazoo college
architecture: studio gang architects
photography: iwan baan, hedrich blessing

studio gang describes that traditionally, ‘convening for social justice has taken place in the most informal settings, with many of this nation’s most important civil rights gatherings, for example, taking place in a church basement, a living room, or even around a kitchen table.’ in seeking to subvert this history, the arcus center provides an open and public facility for use by students, teachers, visiting scholars, social justice leaders, and members of the community for, ‘conversation and activities aimed at creating a more just world.’

the structure’s form directs views to the surrounding suburban context in three different directions, while simultaneously shaping outdoor spaces and creating two open entrances accessing the building’s center. the exterior surfaces utilize a regionally traditional wood masonry cladding. the stacked arrangement of circular log sections uses the same logic as standard brick façades, but allows for higher environmental performance while referencing the tree groves surrounding the structure.

in order to enhance the building’s openness, the interior is left visually transparent while featuring plentiful daylight. the tri-axial plan is arranged around a central living room-like lounge and fireplace. a kitchen sits adjacent, to provide an informal place for communal eating, complementing the more formal meeting and study spaces.

in continuation of the building’s socially-focused aims, the architects state: ‘informed by the tenet that in a socially just world each person’s life is valued and their inherent dignity is recognized, the arcus center demonstrates that spaces for convening can and should be some of our most powerful.’

from  designboom