*에콰도르 우나수르 빌딩 [ Diego Guayasamin ] UNASUR Building
지역문화의 활성한 교류형성을 위한 우나수르빌딩의 지향점은 지역적 특성; 지역문화유산을 투영한 건축환경 구현과 이를 통해 확보되는 통합공간의 충실한 활용에 있다. 이는 무장애공간, 원활한 소통공간을 지향하는 건축 및 프로그램을 통해서 구체적인 방법으로 실현된다.
기념비의 높이를 초과하지 않는 수평형 건물로 디자인 된다. 그리고 대부분의 시설의 약 75%가 지하에 배치된 저층형 건물이기도 하다. 이는 높이제한에 대한 요구의 합리적 방안으로 최소한의 외부공간 볼륨을 완성한다. 여기서 빌딩 디자인은 단순히 제한적 요건을 충족시키는 것에서 그치지 않고 기념비와 함께하는 상징성을 추가한다. 그럼으로써 건축물이 지향하는 지역문화 활성화를 커뮤니티, 도서관, 레크레이션 시설을 위한 오픈스페이스로 창출하게 된다.
대비와 역동성은 이러한 건축환경을 구현하기 위한 컨셉으로 재료 물성의 대비; 밝고 경쾌한 메탈판넬과 블랙 글래스, 수평성이 강조된 상부볼륨; 내부 트러스 구조를 이용한 장대한 캔틸레버 공간을 통해 실현된다.
reviewed by SJ,오사
The site of the proposal has been conceived as a continuous environment without barriers and open to the public transmitting dimensional dynamic space (proposal) to the mentioned Complex. Likewise, the proposalis setback generating a large entrance plaza to the project not only, but as a gesture of respect and contribution to the immediate environment.
UNASUR´s building, has a horizontal type that does not exceed the height of the monument, is located in a lower level and even solves 75% of its program underground; including significant areas. In this way the impact of a volume with a high requirement of areas is minimized.
Architects: Diego Guayasamin
Location: Quito, Ecuador
Area: 20000.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Sebastián Crespo
Construction: ETINAR S.A.
Structural Design: Vinicio Suárez
The project for UNASUR has not only analyzed the proposal within its limits; It is a socially inclusive proposal that generates open spaces for the community, a library and recreational areas.
Formally the new building appears as a volume like an ascending U delimited by three virtual axes: The North-South axis, the projection of the proposal with La Mitad del Mundo City and the combination of these axes in 47 degrees, resulting from the sum or displacement of maximum declination north (23.5 degrees) and maximum declination south (23.5 degrees) of the sun in relation to the equator. The rest of the architectural approach is enrolled in the East-West axis.
The volume is a massive piece by contrast rises and is projected as metaphore of freedom. The building has been designed as a sculptural connotation to surprise and show a different image depending on where it is appreciated. The building is composed of a double skin, the first solid and blind in contrast to the second light and transparent. The blinded skin (or buried skin) is the skin that is required and according to the program it belongs to public spaces, and the translucent skin (paradoxically) belong to the private spaces; transparency sensations, vertigo and weight simultaneously coexist.
Structurally the predominant materials are concrete and steel. The proposal of a solid core of reinforced concrete where two large metal trusses were anchored in a way of an habitable beam. The structure results in a positive, proactive and strong iconic image system. This scheme is also largest armor flown in South America with 55 mts. without support, modeling technology, drive and creativity.
UNASUR have incorporated more than 73,000 m2 of new green areas that have been reforested, over 160,000 endemic trees in the immediate environment.
The interior design proposes fluid areas, thanks to its configuration and use of materials. A palette of neutral colors protocol is used. The use of glass adds to the idea of conveying a message of social and political transparency; peaceful, open and productive spaces without major distractions.
The minimalism of elements in the highlighted area outside the building and cleaning your architecture, and facilitating the organization of public and formal events. The large body of water like base accentuates and dramatizes the reflection effect of a monolithic body suspended in the air.
In conclusion, we can say that this is a worthy proposal balanced combination of functionality, symbiosis of conceptual and pragmatic in an iconic project understated aesthetics.
from archdaily