
*오리엔탈 테라피 센터 [ Magén Arquitectos ] LIANG XIN Oriental Therapy Center

5osA 2015. 1. 19. 08:30

어두움과 침묵(정적)은 이곳 테라파 센터를 구성하는 주요한 디자인 컨셉으로 내외부 경계없는 연속적인 공간 흐름 속에 깊숙히 삽입된다. 이러한 건축환경, 인테리어 환경을 구현하는 매개체는 재료들간의 오버레이 속에 발현되는 관계성, 그리고 조화 (건축가는 이를 재료간에 불투명성의 조합으로 풀고 있다.)를 통해 디자인된다. 특히 내외부에 테라피 센터 디자인의 아이텐티를 표출하는 펀칭메탈 패턴은 이곳을 상징하는 여가, 자유, 조화, 그리고 관대를 상징적으로 표현하는 디자인 요소로 삽입된다. -디지털 시뮬레이션된 이미지를 픽셀화 그리고 이를 다시 드릴을 통해 펀칭, 패브릭케이션한다.- 각 재료간의 관계성 속에 조화롭게 발현되는 내부공간은 공간을 연속적으로 이끌어 가는 빛과 그림자를 따라 움직이거나 정지하며 치유의 공간으로 완성된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Located in the heart of Zaragoza, in the basement of a residential building previously occupied by a bus station, the site where the Liang Xin Center is located has a street facade and an interior area that extends to the inside of the block. For the first Liang Xin Center outside Malaysia, we propose an architecture of dark tones based on the darkness and silence of the empty space and the articulation of the interior routes, and attentive to the different degrees of opacity of materials. In this sense, the new facade is made entirely of copper. In this case, to its qualities as a natural material that is modified over time, tinting its tones and early reflections, is added the opportunity to drill pixelated patterns offered by digital technology. This process allows us to integrate into a single material the graphic identity elements and the images symbolizing the four concepts in Liang Xin philosophy from its origins -Relaxation, freedom, harmony and generosity- avoiding the superposition of materials that is usual in this type of project.

Architects: Magén Arquitectos
Location: , ,
Arquitectos A Cargo: Jaime Magén y Francisco J. Magén
Project Area: 382.0 m2
Photographs: Pedro Pegenaute

Collaborators: María Tejel, Rebeca Tristán (arquitectas) José Sainz (estructuras); Rafael González (ingeniero)
Construction: Coanfi S.A.
Client: Liang Xin Spa Bhd
Budget: 350.736,26 €

In this case, the material presence of copper during the day and integrated lighting make the facade a reference of light for the street at sunset, these are the elements that give some visibility to the Center from the outside. The small circular holes of different diameters that draw letters and symbols on the copper plates are interrupted by only two larger openings, which allude to the connotations of the circular shape in Eastern culture and Zen art, whose paintings symbolize concepts of void, the universe and tranquility. The first circle has a screen with explanatory videos, as single element of communication, and the second larger circle identifies the entrance porch to the Center.

The interior spaces are organized from the axes that articulate the circulation, enhanced by the effects of symmetry and perspective. Once inside, the unexpected appearance of natural light through a continuous skylight overhead, in a transverse double height space with gable roof inside the block, is an unexpected element that reinforces the contrast of light, shadows and shades that accompany the user. Offices, locker rooms and service rooms are located on both sides of this interior corridor. In the reflexology room, a suspended pergola of perforated copper, similar to that used on the facade, filters natural light and ensures the views from the windows to the courtyard of the dwellings on the upper floors.

from  archdaily