*지진으로 부터 복원된 보육원 [ takahashi ippei ] nursery school in japan
2011년 지진으로 훼손된 shichigahama tohyama보육원은 미야기현 안전한 해변가 지역, takahashi ippei에 의해 새롭게 복원된다. 낮은 건축물의 형상, 수평성이 강조된 스트럭쳐는 오픈된 중정의 중심부에 자리하며 다양한 세미 아웃도어로 내외부가 연결된 건축환경을 구현한다. 중정은 단지 아이들의 안전을 보장하는 공간이 아닌, 건축물 내부에 자연채광과 환기를 원활하게 유도하는 매개체로 적용된다.
건축물의 외형은 반사재질의 메탈시트로 마감, 교육시설에 대한 선입견을 화려하게 벗어난다. 보육원의 정면, 라운지가 자리한 거대한 사각형태 게이트는 지역주민들의 만남 및 모임의 장소로 제공된다. 이를 통해 보육원은 아이들뿐만아니라 지역 커뮤니티 활성화를 꾀하는 공용공간으로 제공된다.
reviewed by SJ, 오사
in 2011, shichigahama tohyama nursery school in japan was severely damaged by the destructive earthquake that swept the region. in the wake of the natural disaster, architect takahashi ippei was chosen to restore the school, which is located in a quiet coastal area of the country’s miyagi prefecture.
title: shichigahama tohyama nursery
architect: ippei takahashi + takahashi ippei office
location: shichigahama town, miyagi prefecture, japan
client: shichigahama town
site area: 5,512.23 sqm
total floor area: 1,069.45 sqm
structural: konishi structural engineers
climatization & MEP: kankyo engineering
general constractor: matsui kensetsu K.K.
paintings for the pool and the sign: tomoko nagai + tomio koyama gallery
financial support: singapore red cross society
advisor: yasuaki onoda, archiaid
adopting a low profile, the predominantly horizontal structure is organized around a centrally positioned open courtyard, while a number of adjacent semi-outdoor spaces connect the building with its external environment. the courtyard not only provides a secure place for children to play, but also ensures that internal spaces are brightly lit and constantly ventilated.
the building’s abstract form is clad with reflective sheets, designed to challenge preconceived notions of educational establishments. at the front of the nursery, a lounge with a large retractable gate encourages local residents to congregate. in this way, the building not only provides for the region’s children, but also for the community as a whole.
from designboom