*조리시 불꽃 박물관 [ OVO Grabczewscy Architekci ] Museum of Fire in Żory
불의 박물관 이야기의 시작은 Żory시의 프로모션과 초행여행자을 비롯한 관광객, 파트너, 투자자들의 쇼케이스를 위한 컨셉 디자인에서 출발한다. 도시를 소개하는 주도로의 초입에 위치한 입지적 특징에도 불구하고 박물관의 대지는 여러가지 취약점에 노출되어 있다; 상당수의 인프라가 지하에 매설되어 있는 지점, 게다가 대지 형상마저 부정형태로 반듯한 건축물이 자리하기 힘든 상황이다.
여기 건축가에 많은 고민과 스터디가 더해진 아이디어로 이곳의 문제점을 극복한다.
도시를 상징하는 "불", "태워진", "불꽃"은 12세기, 이곳의 역사적 사실에 근거한다.(기존 숲을 불태워 새로운 도시를 구축) 그리고 이러한 전통은 지금도 유효하다. 여름철 페스티발과 도시를 상징하는 로고의 작은 불꽃이 이를 증명한다. 이를 모티브로한 건축물의 외형은 마치 불꽃과 같은 (마치 춤추는 불꽃과 같은 형태) 형태로 제안된다.-사실 디자인의 시작은 크리스탈 결정을 참조 했다.-
박물관은 3개의 독립적인 월로 구분, 구성된다. 하지만 이 또한 공간을 연속시키는 역활을 수행한다. 3개의 출입구는 개별적인 공간을 연결한다. 다목적홀, 지면에 위치한 리셉션/인포메이션 그리고 전시홀이 지하에 위치한다. (화장실과 기계실 또한 배치된다.)
완성된 불꽃 박물관은 도시를 상징하는 랜드마크로, 이곳을 여행하는 여행자에게는 드라마틱한 장소로 제공된다.
reviewed by SJ,오사
The story of Museum of Fire started when we were asked to design exposition pavilion that should promote the city of Żory and to showcase its offerings to newcomers, tourists, partners and investors as well.
Architects: OVO Grabczewscy Architekci
Location: Zory, Poland
Architects In Charge: Barbara Grabczewska, Oskar Grabczewski
Area: 642.0 sqm
Year: 2015
Photographs: Tomasz Zakrzewski / archifolio
Project Team : Beata Kosok, Marta Musiał, Agnieszka Krzysztonek, Martyna Wojtuszek
The pavilion was to be situated with prominence on an exposed site near the main access road to the city. The plot had a lot of disadvantages, especially a great number of underground infrastructure that left only very strange, irregular shaped piece of land to build on.
We were not able for a long time to come up with any reasonable solution. We started to study again and again the commision. We were seeking for the crucial factor that should define the design – the main idea.
The name of the city – Żory means “fire”, ”burnt”, “flames”. In XII century, when Żory was founded, forest was burnt in order to create free space for the new city. This tradition is still alive – there is a Festival of Fire in summer, and the logo of the city is a small Flame.
It became obvious to us, that a building should look like a fire. The strange shape on the plot suddenly started to resemble dancing flames. The idea started to crystallize.
The building consists of three independent walls that “swim” next to each other. Their composition and shapes covered with copper plates resemble dancing flames. Spaces between the walls are fully glazed forming entrances to the pavilion. Walls are made of architectural concrete, covered on the outside with copper and left untouched inside. The floor is paved with black stone, and continued to the outdoor elements.
During the construction, when the ground was excavated, our client came with an idea to use the underground space to place a big exhibition hall there. That’s how we came up with the idea that the whole building should become the Museum of Fire.
Finally the building has three entrances. There is a multifunctional hall and reception/information on the ground floor and an exposition hall underground. With restrooms and technical rooms the program is complete.
Intensive landscaping is surrounding the Museum. The building and the landscape work together createa symbiosis of space consisting of Museum itself, pedestrian paths running through the pavilion and green walkways. There is a Garden of Fire foreseen – an outdoor exhibition space along the country road nr 81 that will be used during Festival of Fire.
from archdaily