*싱롱 방문자센터 [ Atelier Alter ] Xinglong Visitor Center
싱롱 방문자센터는 장소에 새겨진 지역의 기억들을 정제된 건축적 제스쳐를 통해 공간에 재현한다. 작은 어촌마을에서 해변가 리조트로의 변신과정은 이곳 방문자 센터의 디자인과 건축환경 속에 고스란히 전달된다. 대대로 낚시를 통해 생계를 유지한 주민들의 삶과 지역의 아열대기후 그리고 지역 식생은 지그재그 빌딩 속에 다양한 편린들로 삽입, 재구성된다.
도시로 진입하는 초입부 길다란 삼각형 대지위에 지그재그 형태로 자리한다. 그리고 대지 중심부에 가급적 건축물의 볼륨이 집중되도록 배치한다. 상대적으로 건축물의 양끝단은 가벼워지고(경량화 구조) 주변 속으로 흩어진다.(주변 랜드스케이프와 합병된다.) 그러는 동안 건축물의 볼륨은 도로로 부터 후퇴하며 가로에 면한 긴광장을 생성; 세미-인클로저 오픈스페이스(반 외부공간)을 연출한다. 이러한 건축환경은 작은 톱니와 큰 톱니가 맞물리는 것처럼, 퍼즐조각을 맞추는 것처럼 도시와 건축간의 긴밀한 내외부 관계를 생성함으로써 방문자센터의 건립목적을 뚜렷하게 표현한다.
reviewed by SJ,오사
Atelier Alter recreates the impression of numerous fishing lodges on the island in a zigzag building. By incorporating tropical plants and fishing island craftsmanship, Atelier Alter reinvents sustainable construction in an indigenous tropical syntax.
Architects: Atelier Alter
Location: Xing Long Cun, Gonghe Xian, Hainan Zangzuzizhizhou, Qinghai Sheng, China
Principals In Charge: Xiaojun Bu, Yingfan Zhang
Project Architect: Luotao Bai, Xiaoli Sun (China Northeast Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd)
Design Team: Yong Zhang, Rui Liu, Kai Qin,Tongwei Liu, Zhenwei Li, Bida Wei, Haifeng Zhang
Local Architect: China Northeast Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co.Ltd
Area: 168379.0 ft2
Year: 2014
Photographs: Courtesy of Atelier Alter
Civil/Structure/Mep Engineer: Rongen Jing, Bo Yang, Zhiqiang Bi,Junwei Yang, Yonghong Yang, Zhe Li, Ming Cheng, Wei Li
General Contractor: Guangxi Southern-China Construction Group Co. Ltd
Cost: $23.1 Million
Strategically sited at the entrance to the town, the visitor center unfolds the urban transformation of Xinglong – from a fishing village to a coastal resort. The architecture of Xinglong Visitor Center inherently starts from an urban scale.
The site for the project is a trapezoidal narrow lot adjacent to the entryway of the town. We proposed a linear zigzag building that places most of the building volume in the middle and leaves the two ends with landscape and lighter constructions. Meanwhile, building volume is pushed back from the street to create a linear plaza joint by semi-enclosed open spaces. Approaching from both ends, the architecture opens up to the street in a dramatic way.
The program for visitor center includes exhibition, management, shops and caterings. To response to the mixed-use program, rather than giving a definitive formal statement, we try to recreate the impression about the fishing island, by juxtaposing different types of fishing lodges from the island on top of each other, in various scales and directions.
The project retains the memory of the fishing island in the making of architecture, by translating the craftsmanship from the island into a double curtain wall system. The structure expression is also analogous to the tropical plants on the island, emphasizing slender columns and overreaching branches.
from archdaily