*핑크 콘크리트 파빌리온 [ ATELIER XI ] Peach Hut Community Center
프리케스트 공법으로 구축된 미니멀 콘크리트 파빌리온은 나무를 재해석한 형상으로 하늘과 들판을 향해 뻗어 있다. 자연과 인공적인 경계에 있는 것처럼 시간에 따른 다양한 빛과 그림자를 생성, 인상적인 장면을 연출한다.
In the beginning, the architect received the original commission to design a 300-square-meter public building for facilitating the county’s culture and art education in Xiuwu, Henan. However, considering the vast serving area (630-square-kilometer county area) and the difficulty of traveling between scattered villages, the architect came up with a proposal to divide one building into a series of miniature facilities in different locations so as to better serve local communities.
The long-term drawbacks of remote rural areas include insufficient educational resources, inadequate information access and scant aesthetic imagination. Thus, community leaders and the architect seek for an aesthetic approach towards rejuvenating these communities. Through these minimal architectural investments, the project aims to inspire sensibilities of local residents, to help them enjoy and rethink life quality, as well as to alleviate isolation and poverty.
These cast-in-place concrete miniatures are interpreted into a series of tree-shaped spaces with tentacles reaching out for the sky, bathing in light and shadow. Their locations vary from fields, woods, to mountaintops, and their forms differ as well: while one grows out from the ruined walls in an abandoned village, another embodies a floating theater on the water.
The construction of the seven units is divided into two phases with the first phase consisting of Periscope (a vernacular theater), Observatory (a beverage bar in a peach tree farmland), and Bent House (a communal library)
from archdaily