*맨하탄 풀톤 센터 지하철역- [ Grimshaw ] Fulton Center

맨하탄 남부에 위치한 Fulton Center는 그 지역의 재개발을 위한 촉매제의 역할을 하도록 설계되었다. 역동적인 이동 환경은 이 상업적인 센터와 그 성장하는 거주지역 등에  중요한 연결로가 되었다.

Fulton Center는 우아한 투명의 아케이드 안에 거대한 규모의 아트리움을 둘러싼 채 만들어졌다. 심혈을 기울여 배치된 입구들은 거리의 풍경이 건물 안으로 스며들 수 있도록 하였다. 이곳을 지나는 사람들은 명시적인 신호들이 플랫폼을 연결하고 있는 더 밝고 더 넓은 통로를 마주할 수 있게 되었다.

이웃 지역의 자산이자 현지의 분기점이 된 Fulton Center는 맨하탄 남부의 게이트웨이로써의 상당한 사회적 역할을 완전히 충족시키고 있다. 이곳을 통해 출퇴근하는 사람들이나 방문객들은 이 곳의 긍정적인 미래를 기대하면서도 도시의 역사를 환영하는 이 곳을 오늘도 지나고 있다.

Situated in the heart of Lower Manhattan, the Fulton Center is designed to be a catalyst for the redevelopment of the area. The dynamic transport environment is a vital link to this commercial center and its growing residential sector, streamlining connectivity between nine MTA New York City Transit subway lines (2, 3, 4, 5, A, C, J, Z and R) while enhancing the user experience for 300,000 daily transit passengers.


  • Architects: Grimshaw
  • Location: 200 Broadway, New York, NY 10038, USA
  • Area: 190000.0 ft2
  • Project Year: 2014
  • Photographs: James EwingHalley Tsai / Grimshaw
  • Design Team: Primary headhouse building at the corner of Broadway and Fulton
  • Collaboration: HDR (new entries and platforms) and Page Cowley (the Corbin Building)
  • Executive Architect: Grimshaw 
  • Prime Consultant and Structural Engineer: ARUP
  • M & E Consultant: ARUP
  • Quantity Surveyor: VJ Associates
  • Main Contractor: Plaza Schiavone Joint Venture 
  • Consultants: James Carpenter Design Associates (Sky Reflector-Net artwork)
  • Consultant Construction Manager: PB-Bovis Lend Lease
  • Total Building Cost (total and square foot): $1.4B
  • Lighting Manufacturer List and Applications: Edison Price Lighting, Beta Lighting, Io Lighting, and ERCO
  • Approved Building Inspector: MTA self-certify

The Fulton Center is organised around a large-scale atrium contained within an elegant, transparent façade. Tapered steel columns draw inspiration from the historic neighborhood’s cast-iron buildings and complement the integration and restoration of the adjacent Corbin Building.

Carefully aligned entrances and exits allow the streetscape to permeate the building, defining clear and efficient pathways to all trains. Once beyond fare control and underground, passengers will encounter brighter, widened passageways with clear signage connecting the complex array of platforms.

The transit hub’s atrium ascends to 120 feet and is topped by a conical dome centered on the concourse below.

The central architectural concept of redirecting natural light deep into the transit environment culminates in the design of the dome’s interior and a new integrated artwork titled Sky Reflector-Net, a collaboration between Grimshaw Architects, Arup and James Carpenter Design Associates, with preliminary form-finding by Schlaich Bergermann und Partner, commissioned by MTA Arts & Design and MTA Capital Construction Company.

Both a neighbourhood asset and regional interchange, the Fulton Center fulfills a significant civic role as a gateway to and from Lower Manhattan. Commuters and visitors alike arrive and depart through a memorable, contemporary urban transit center that celebrates the city’s history while looking forward to its optimistic future.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY