[ Chris Dorosz ] the painted room

 ‘The painted room’ continues where the ‘stasis’ series left off  - taking it to its natural conclusion on a much larger scale.  Differing slightly in technique, this time splotches of paint cling to a forest of vertically strung monofilament to recreate a to-scale living room setting.  I want to underscore the paradox  I find fascinating between the cold hard grey matter of a purely material existence and the veneer of meaning we ascribe to things – the narrative.  Ultimately this is a spiritual struggle located within the medium itself. I’m particularly excited about this piece because of the viewer’s significance as an element in the piece.  As viewers walk around the work they will appear through the vertical interruptions of paint splotches to viewers on opposite sides as sliced fragments, providing apparitions of a human presence within the room.
the painted room
acrylic paint on monofilament
135h x 57.5w x 120l



Designed by JB FACTORY