Tangible Dots are designed for a new video experience that allows users to manipulate the physical boundaries of a video screen, taking the “square” out of the fixed, rectangular screen. A dynamic and tactile screen emerges when users shift the arrangement of small magnet pieces on a projection surface.

Tangible Dots from Minsoo Lee on Vimeo.

“I love this project. Instead of exhausting ourselves extracting structure out of a space using computer vision, you have just allowed people to insert their own anchor points into the world for the computer to find is a lightweight way. It also has the feeling of the multi-touch but more multi and easier to craft compositions over time. Nice work!”
- Dan O’Sullivan, Associate Chair at Interactive Telecommunications Program in Tisch School of Arts at New York University.

“This project represents a manner of direct video manipulation that hasn’t been achieved elsewhere. The simplicity of movable magnets on a vertical surface will make video sculptures as quick and approachable as it is fun.” - Jake Barton, Principal of Local Projects

“Tangible Dots reminds us that, despite the seeming immutability of the screen, space and surface are still primary in our involvement with this world. The project is a partnership between screen and surface that promises a new future for both - one that is based in the reciprocity between information and architecture. Tangible Dots highlights the basic relationship that makes this possible: that space is informational and information is inherently spatial.” - Mark Collins, Principal of  Proxyarch

by tangibledots.com


Designed by JB FACTORY