[ Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance ] Galerie BSL

French designer Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance has completed the interior of a gallery in Paris featuring a strip of white Corian wrapped around the space.

Called Galerie BSL, the Corian ribbon sweeps through the narrowmonochrome interior, providing surfaces on which objects can bedisplayed.

The gallery opened last month and will exhibit one-off pieces including jewellery pieces and fashion.

Photographs are by Eric Laignel.

Here’s some more information about the gallery:

Exclusive one-off pieces, limited series, creation in design,jewellery and fashion… A three-part editorial line launched by GalerieBSL which will be opening to the public in the Marais on May 7th 2010,at 23 rue Charlot, Paris 3rd. Founded by Béatrice Saint-Laurent, thisis a place that aims at making over the codes of the genre.

The on-site architecture by Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance breaks with theinternational white cube standard for art galleries – a model that maysuit contemporary artworks but does not cover the needs of a designgallery. Noé has re-shuffled conventional object display codes byproposing a white Corian spiral scanned by sequences, a sculptureextrapolated to architectural scale.

This structure becomes the founding statement in the gallery’sspace: an object for displaying other objects. As the designer himselfsays: ‘It’s a straight-up piece that accentuates interior perspectives,but which can also be as neutral as a white sheet’.

A shell that is showcase and cocoon, built to enhance the mostadvanced design projects of today and other rare pieces or exclusivecommissions: 20th c. lighting, contemporary and vintage jewellery,fashion creations.

The aim is to effect a radical tearing down of the borders thatseparate modes of expression and periods, which Béatrice Saint-Laurenthopes will lead to any number of exchanges.

Cross-overs, influences, correspondences – a source of transversalreadings and discoveries. ‘It’s about bringing things together andstimulating dialogue between rare objects’, says BSL. ‘Objects bringingan intimate experience, things that connect, that elicit feeling.

It’s the same phenomenon that you see at work wherever there isquality design and limited production. What the gallery wants to do isproduce and present objects that are more personal, that talk to us assingular individuals.’

Galerie BSL will be opening on May 7th 2010
showing pieces by Ron Arad, Gae Aulenti, Djim Berger, Pol Bury, NachoCarbonell, Taher Chemirik, Attilio Codognato/Jasper Johns, Joe Colombo,Benoît Duvignacq, Martin Grant, Lito Karakostanoglou, Shiro Kuramata,Angelo Lelli, Vico Magistretti, Ingo Maurer, Willy Rizzo, GinoSarfatti, Ettore Sottsass, Matteo Thun/Andrea Lera, Line Vautrin.

from  dezeen


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