The complex is organized in a processional manner with the visitor circulation moving along “the red carpet”, which weaves its way through the building and reveals the interior and exterior views of Kristiansund. ”This spatially rich social mixer takes you to all public accessible spaces – in addition to being a space for impromptu performance, reception, cafe and information center.”
The main musical hall allows for the greatest number of guests to be as close as possible to the stage, with perfect sightlines. “Our design for the main hall envisions a fluid framework of wooden coffers that gives continuity in the reading of space, and flexibility in the acoustical definition – tune ability – of the room. The auditorium is flexible, yet it is not generic. Rather a space of multiple states of completeness.”
The facade, conceived as a “curtain to the performance within,” is a translucent porous skin allowing light to penetrate and views to be enjoyed both looking in and out. “The performance remains in focus and the day lighting contributes to the choreography of spaces,” added the architects. By keeping the facade so open, the activities are able to become a part of the public square rather than trapped inside a private entity.
“The complex represents culture in its most pervasive and innovative form. To create spaces for the unexpected, spaces to inspire us, spaces where the collective and individual can coexist, to inspire experimentation, invention, heterogeneity and freedom, is to liberate culture,” explained the team.
from archdaily
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