[ Studio Roosegaarde and V2_ ] Intimacy

These dresses by Dutch designers Studio Roosegaarde and V2_ become transparent when approached.

Called Intimacy, the garments are made of electically-sensitive foils that become opaque or transparent according to alterations in current.

Intimacy Black (above and below) is made from strips of black material that turn transparent as another person gets closer, while Intimacy White (top) varies in transparency depending on the wearer’s own interactions with the dress.

The two dresses will be exhibited at Centraal Museum Utrecht from 22 September.

Here’s some more from the designers:

Intimacy is a fashion project about the relation between intimacy and technology.

Its high-tech garments ‘Intimacy White’ and ‘Intimacy Black’ are made out of interactive technologies and smart e-foils which become transparent based on personal interactions.

Here social interactions determine the level of transparency; creating a sensual play of disclosure.

Intimacy is a project by Daan Roosegaarde, Maartje Dijkstra, Anouk Wipprecht, V2_ Lab (Simon de Bakker, Stan Wannet, Piem Wirtz) and the team of Studio Roosegaarde (Peter de Man, João Carneiro).

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY