[ Dror Brill ] City Gate

We recieved this Urban Action 2010 by Dror Bill from the Bat-Yam Biennale in Israel. It focuses on the tension between the temporary and the permanent, between the planned and the experienced.
The Biennale examines the occasionally tense relationships between the city’s attempt to create order through long-term plans, and the everyday chaos that is the product of that process. Our goal is to encourage spaces and situations that function from within the state of a given temporality, drawing energy from this very flexibility.

My Project ‘City Gate’ – In an urban square, located at the entrance to the city, a series of gallery-pavilions are raised, in which the pupils will display their artistic production. The pavilions are constructed from environmentally friendly materials. The basic material of the building’s skeleton is the loofah plant, from the cucurbits family. “City Gate” points to the possibility that residents – and even children – can participate in city planning. The project was created in collaboration between students of elementary school and me.

from  archdaily


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