* 벽돌집 [ Dva Arhitekta d.o.o. ] Podfuscak Residence

The house is designed for a young family who wanted to build a new home in greenery near the city centre. Mostly small apartment buildings in combination with some single family houses take place of old garden houses wich used to provide idyllic almost pastoral atmosphere of the area. The main requirement was to hide away from neigbours and open views and orientation to the south and greenery. By using waste brick as a facade cladding the house fits in the old and uncompleted built area of the surrounding.

유럽 크로아티아 지은 벽돌집이에요.
겉에서 보기에는 단순해 보이지만 내부공간을 유기적으로 구성하여 거주자로 하여금 재미있는 공간을 주도록 설계했네요.
사람들이 안락하게 쉴 수 있는 공간과 활동적인 공간을 레벨로 분리하여 기능을 높였고, 밖에 넓게 펼쳐진 마당과는 별도로 안쪽 실에서는 느낄 수 없는 정원을 안에 작은 중정으로 느낄 수 있도록 계획한 것 또한 이 집의 맛 인 것 같네요.
 벽돌이 가지고 있는 따뜻함은 10년이 지나도 50년이 지나도 오히려 그 오래됨에서 오는 여유는 쉽게 망쳐 지지 않는 것 같아요.
고전이 가지고 있는 힘은 대단합니다.
여러분 고전을 사랑합시다 ^^
 저도 개인적으로 차가운 물성을 지닌 스틸건물은 별로 선호 하지 않아요. 인간적이지 않다는 표현이 아이러니 하긴 하지만
우리가 오래전 부터 사용해오고 검증 받았던 재료 만큼 우리를 잘 알고 있는 것도 드믈다고 생각해요. 


Architects: Tomislav Ćurković, Zoran Zidarić / Dva Arhitekta d.o.o.
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Client: Damir Sabol
Collaborator: Maja Markus
Project area: 774 sqm
Project year: 2010
Photographs: Robert Leš

Minus one level is in function of service while the first floor is sleeping area. Most of the family’s activities take place on the ground floor. Big openings are oriented to the green areas as well as pulled in parts of the main house volume wich garantee intimacy. North facade is very closed to the street view, while other three sides of a house volume are pulled into themselves. First pulled-in space stands for entrance and comunication between the basement and garage.

It is excatly the fluidity of the space that makes the strongest impression upon entering the house. The other pulled-in space defines atrium connected to the most vital part of the house –kitchen, dining and living. Atrium brings in nature as well as daylight into the house providing intimacy and hiding views from the neigbours. Third and the biggest one which at the same time connects and separates living and dining spaces is placed diagonally in the direction of the best view. Besides by big windows on facade, the house is heated using geothermal resources through the walls and floors which makes it low energy house.


from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY