* 자카르타 스타디움 [ Atelier Cosmas Gozali ] BMW International Stadium Competition proposal

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지어 진다면 정말 인상적인 스타디움이 될 것 같네요.
하지만 아쉽게도 3등안이라서 자카르타에서는 다른 스타디움을 보게 되겠죠 :)

Atelier Cosmas Gozali (Arya Cipta Graha) shared with us their proposal for the BMW International Stadium Competition in North , , for which they received 3rd Prize. More images and architect’s description after the break.

Architect: Atelier Cosmas Gozali (Arya Cipta Graha)
Location: Sunter, North ,
Design Team: Raymond Djohan, Novan Prayoga, Andika Purnama, Setya Kurniawan, Dwi Utomo Sahid, Yogi Diwangkoro, Dedy Erwansyah, Lufiansyah
Competition Year: 2009
Renderings: (Arya Cipta Graha)

A stadium designed to international standards, created as an icon of sports development as well as a landmark for the city of . A landmark, in this context, where the emphasis is on shaping the identity of the area, by manifesting its “spirit of place”. As a landmark, the stadium is designed taking into consideration:

Elements of the Spirit Ten symbolic tongues of flame reach out to touch the sky, representing the fiery energy of the spirit, all of them bound together by a ring as a symbol of friendship.

Environmental Friendliness The concept of a building that is uplifted from ground level, aiming to convey that it does not seek to harm the existing environment, and creating an open range of views towards the lake and the park.

A Future Orientation
The use of metal materials, irregularly arranged to display the dynamic tongues of flame, and effecting reflections of the light, which underscores their purpose. It also characterizes a singular design vision that leaps far into the future.

The Savor of Culture Traditional symbolic elements – such as the megamendung (raincloud) batik motif in the facade; the Minang-house arch of the main bridge of the stadium’s reception plaza; and the allusion to the headdresses of ondel-ondel (the giant puppet mascots of traditional Betawi festivals) in the binding ring of the stadium – are applied to let the building speak in a design language of symbols whose meanings people can directly sense – and whose essential value they will take part in realizing, and come to cherish, in the long term.

from  archdaily


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