* 구조형태 실험 [ IDAS ] Anamorphic Architecture

형태구축에 관한 실험
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Whilst a large number of visual artists are focused on large scale projections, it is refreshing to see when individuals explore possibilities of small objects, something tangible, seeing what is possible and what does it all mean.

Such is the work of the work from David Hall‘s studio class in IDAS Hongik:

Each artists developed low polygon forms from basic primitives and through a series of deformations and replications produced a structure with minimal data in Maya.These structures where then developed (made planar) in order for them to be printed two dimensionally.

This enabled the surface to be re-constructed backto its original 3D form. As the object exists in 3D in both digital and analogue form this allows us to project animations and graphic back onto the object from the digital version with relative accuracy. In effect the form exists in digital and analogue spaces simultaneously.

The result is this wonderful window installation at the corner gallery, Samchung Dong, Seoul, Korea.

Anamorphic Architecture from zizizic on Vimeo

Anamorphic Architecture_2 from zizizic on Vimeo.

from  creativeapplications


Designed by JB FACTORY