* 펜탁스 레고 카메라 [ Nalden,PENTAX ] Optio NB1000

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Fellow site Naldenkeeps on rocking since 1992 with their trademark “curatedobservations”- referring to their original content that covers a widespectrum of music, design, fashion & tech. Having the Netherlandsas their headquarters, they have been sharing at their site someamazing projects for the last 9 years, all of them following thecriteria of innovation, excellent craftsmanship and coolness. Sincethey built a faithful fan base around their site, it was a matter oftime they finally launched an online shop. For that they collaboratedwith famous Dutch boutique/gallery 290 square, a veteran in hosting artshows (The London Police, Miss Van, Kami & Sasu, UZI Part B) andlaunching products and entire lines for critical consumers (like theydid with Nike). The result of this particular marriage is the creationof The Foundation,the online store that is hosted at Nalden.net and where their commonview on contemporary culture and design is reflected upon the itemsthey choose.

The concept behind this very particular foundation is that instead of‘buying for the future’ customers should be urged to ‘buy for thepresent’. After all, only by establishing a good foundation of productsin the present, like a proper watch, a solid bag, a blazing bike, acool camera etc., it is ensured their durability in the future. Withthis kind of products Nalden votes for quality, aspiring to create theultimate design basics for the modern day consumer.
Yatzer, curious as always, took a visit at The Foundation online boutique and chose a very special camera for you. Optio NB1000 is a collaboration model between camera maker PENTAX and nanoblock, the Japanese miniature version of the extremely popular LEGO.It comes with 100+ coordinating color blocks to express yourselfcreatively and customize your PENTAX according to your taste. Nalden,in order to make it more appealing, even added a Polar Bear package! Of course, leaving apart the nanoblock touch, it still remains a fullyfunctional 14-megapixel digital camera. And as the guys at Nalden say, it is pure coolness for digital natives!
14-Megapixel CCD
Optical 4xZoom
27.5mm - 110mm
Wide Angle Lens
3.0. LCD Screen
Includes Polar Bear
price: 290 euro (on SALE at The Foundation)

from  yatzer


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