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독보적이며 유니크한 설계가 이루어 지도록 요구 했어요.
의사당 홀을 돔으로 계획하면서 구조프레임 리브를
아라비아 패턴으로 디자인 한 점과 돔 위에 씨운
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또한 훌륭한 점은 돔구조와 그 위의 막구조가 형태적으로도 아름다우면서
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향후 아부다비에 지어진다고 하는데 시간내서
한번 다녀와야 겠죠 :)
Los Angeles-based Ehrlich Architects have been awarded the grand prize in the international architectural competition to design the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) Federal National Council’s (FNC) New Parliament Building Complex.
Fourteen firms representing nine countries had been invited in early 2010 to submit entries in Phase 1 of the competition for the new FNC building. A short list of four finalists was selected to continue to the more detailed Phase 2: Ehrlich Architects (USA), Foster + Partners (UK), Massimiliano Fuksas Architects (Italy), and Zaha Hadid Architects (UK).
Ehrlich Architects (who teamed in Phase 2 with U.A.E.-based
architecture firm Godwin Austen Johnson [GAJ] and landscape
architecture firm ValleyCrest Design Group) created a scheme for the
FNC’s New Parliament which embodies the unique identity of the United
Arab Emirates: a modern society moving boldly into the future while
retaining a strong connection to its history and traditions.
The site of the new Parliament conveys its significance as a public institution. It is located on Abu Dhabi Corniche, one of the grand processional boulevards in the country’s capital, where important civic events and celebrations take place. Facing the Arabian Gulf, the body of water shared by six of the seven Emirates, the new FNC complex will establish a governmental face at the seafront. Its dome will be visible for miles across the water and will glow dramatically at night.
from bustler