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작은 레벨차이의 공간에도 어려워하고
힘들어 하는 삶의 패턴을 보이고 있어요.
아마 그렇게 길들여져서 그것이 맞다고 생각하게 되어 버린거지요.
파리의 수평적 도시 공간을 다양한 레벨로 쌓아 올린 이번 프로젝트는
그래서 그 의미가 큰 것 같아요.
직선이 주는 빠름보다는 원만한 곡선이 주는 느림과 여유를
풍요로움으로 승화시켜 각각의 공간에 힘을
불어 넣고 있네요.
200미터 넘게 쌓아 올린 연속된 공간은 자연스럽게 형성된
도시속의 다양성을 자연스럽게 이끌어 우리에게
함축적인 공간으로 체험 할 수 있도록 인도하고 있어요.
Atelier Zündel & Cristea architects shared with us their Grenelle Tower in Paris France, which has been commended by the Mipim AR FUTURE awards. At a time when Paris is reviewing its ambitions of ‘greatness’, the richness of the city’s diversity is transposed vertically into towers of shifting density.
Within a country where speed is not necessarily a condition of efficiency, and where “quality of life” is elevated to “the art of living”, a purely geographic and territorial expansion based upon the American model is unfeasible.
At the outset, we imagined the tower from an initial volume, which we considered a “spatial texture”, consisting of slabs stacked vertically to a height of 200 meters. Within this solid and uniform texture, we applied a dynamic formation process utilizing an empty tube of manifold geometry. In motion, this cavity becomes a generator of space, a dynamic, fluctuating, and evolving construct. Its topology will help us delineate such properties as proximity, contiguity, continuity.
More concretely, we are able to liken the tower to the diversity of the city: the uniform fabric of Parisian homes, the rapid transportation network, the squares, the parks, the avenues, the public meeting places of Parisians known and renowned.
Architects: Atelier Zündel & Cristea
Location: Paris, France
Consultants: BET CHOULET
Construction cost: 300 M€ (ex VAT)
Gross area: 168 000 m²
Mission: Conception
Project: Multiactivities skyscraper
from archdaily
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