카타르, 도하 구시가지 재개발 프로젝트 이군요.
35헥타르에 걸쳐진 도하랜드는 카타르의 전통적 문화를 계승하여
낙후되어 있는 중심지역을 활성화 시킬려는 프로젝트에요.
향후 100개의 이상의 빌딩(주거, 상업시설, 상가, 레져시설)을
추가적으로 확장할 계획이네요.
사막지역에서는 기후로 부터 건축환경을 좋게하는 방법도 중요하지만
특히 중요한 것은 야외 공용공간에 쉐이딩을 건물로 어떻게 잘 이용하게
설계하느냐가 관건이에요.
우리가 생각하는 넓은 마당과 정원은 이곳에서는 활용하지 못하는
데드스페이스인 것이지요.
작년에 ***사우디 연구소 기본설계를 했었는데 그당시 중요한 컨셉 중 하나가
각 건물간 블록간에 보행자로를 꼭 쉐이딩 하는 것이였어요.
그래서 건물의 일정부분들을 필로티 띠워서 그 밑으로 공용보행자로를
만들어 주어야 했지요.
세계에 시간이 좁아진 만큼 각나라의 도시들이 비슷한 형태로 발전해 나가지만
지역색,지역의 환경에 맞추는 것은 정말 중요한 일입니다.
The practice of former SOM London Design Director Michel Mossessian, mossessian & partners,
will receive two awards at MIPIM Architectural Review Future Awards
this year for Al Barahat Square, a new civic space in Doha, Qatar and
the centerpiece of Qatari developer Dohaland’s $5.5 billion (QAR 20 bn) ‘Musheireb’ development.
The firm wins in the mixed-use category and is the overall winner of
the AR Future Awards. The 2010 winner was Jean Nouvel for One New Change
and past winners include Norman Foster for the Swiss Re building.
The judges of the 2011 AR Future Projects Award said about Al Barahat
Square: “This central element of a larger project makes a significant
attempt to create a contemporary vernacular architecture in the Gulf.
Public space is combined with extensive shading and its scale relates
to everyday life”.
Dohaland’s Musheireb is a 35-hectare site that will transform the centre
of Qatar’s capital city, recreating a way of living that is rooted in
Qatari culture, attracting residents back to the city centre and
reversing the trend for decentralisation.
mossessian & partners is one of four practices working on the second
phase of the Musheireb scheme, a pioneering US$ 5.5 billion (QR 20
billion; €4.18 billion), 35 hectare project that aims to revive,
regenerate and conserve the historical downtown of Qatar’s capital
city. Due for completion in 2016, Dohaland’s mixed-use scheme will
offer residential, commercial, retail and leisure facilities and
involves the construction of over 100 buildings.
mossessian & partners’ winning project Al Barahat Square is a 65,000
m2 civic space comprising nine mixed-use, residential, commercial and
retail buildings around a major public square at the heart of the
Musheireb scheme.
Al Barahat Square will act as an urban room for the development, an
urbanised version of the majlis, fostering communication, interaction
and integration between different residential communities. The floor of
the square will be ‘carpeted’, clad in gold paving to recreate the
richness and warmth of a traditional interior. The surrounding building
facades draw heavily on the Qatari vernacular, helping define a new
Qatari architectural legacy.
mossessian & partners have taken cues from indigenous building
types and urbanism, which is accomplished at dealing with the
challenging local climate by engaging with nature: sun, wind and mass.
As shade is the first priority in comfort cooling, the design
incorporates sheer density with tall narrow streets. The streetscape is
very much part of the mossessian scheme: sculpting the void - carving
the space between buildings – is as important as designing the buildings
themselves. Deep roof overhangs and decorative screens layer the
buildings and create shade throughout the year. The thermal mass of the
building envelope is used as a heat sink to balance the region’s severe
temperature fluctuations. This combination of strategies works together
to create an ecosystem that offers a high level of thermal comfort in
an energy efficient and therefore sustainable way.
Indeed, Dohaland’s Musheireb project is setting a new benchmark for
sustainable architecture in the Gulf region. Dohaland’s distinctive
mandate is to develop a modern downtown that takes cues from Qatari
vernacular and urbanism, yet has a highly contemporary, sustainable
approach: the entire scheme is targeting average LEED Gold
certification, making it the world’s first sustainable downtown
regeneration project.
Michel Mossessian, Director, mossessian & partners, says “Dohaland
set us an incredibly demanding brief, inviting us to evolve a scheme
that challenges expectations of contemporary urban regeneration in this
region. The very concept of a public square, a civic meeting space, is a
first for Qatar and the wider area. We feel both privileged and
excited to be involved in the development of this unique project.”
Professional Team:
Design Architect: mossessian & partners
Client: Dohaland (subsidiary of Qatar Foundation)
Project Management: Turner International Middle East
Planning Consultant: AECOM
Commercial Agents: DTZ
from bustler