*관절구조 디자인 시스템 [ Dror Benshetrit ] QuaDror System_A new structural joint

스트럭쳐 디자인의 경계에 서다.
모든 객체:  제품, 가구, 파빌리온, 브릿지, 건축물..은 구조를 베이스로
만들어지고 형성화 되죠. 서피스가 구조가 될 수도 있고 프레임이 구조화
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'스페이스 트러스 지오메트릭 아답타' ...'관절구조 시스템'은
패턴화도 가능하고 단독적인 구조체로 사용가능하도록 플렉시블한
설계가 장점이에요. 물론 구조적인 아름다움은 포함되죠.
다양한 응용버전이 나올 수 있는데 작게는 가구 테이블의 다리부터
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다양한 적용될 수 있어요.

*가구식구조: 기둥위에 보를 보내고 보가 지나는 크기만큼에 바닥면을 만드는 시스템
who ever said that pleasure wasn't functional? This Eames' quote resonates in me as I share with you some great news to not only the design world but all of us. At this year's Design Indaba conference in Cape Town, South Africa, Studio Dror presented their arduous work of 'Quadror', a four year process of countless collaborations, experiments and tests that led to an inventive, transformative and exemplary solution that will do a lot good in many places.  'Quadror' is a unique space truss geometry invented by Dror Benshetrit, that produces structural efficiency and introduces an array of creative initiatives.  Seems rigid but on the contrary, this space truss geometry is extremely flexible in the types of uses that it applies to, and it has yet to reach its full extension to different applications.  This joint, when solitary, can be used as a simple support to a side table but when multiplied it becomes a structural framework for homes, an acoustical skin on a highway and a extraordinary solution to disaster shelter and informal urban housing. It is time to use design to solve the challenges we face. Studio Dror is a great example of on how design can not only inspire change but actually implement it.

A moment of serenity initiated the potential of this joint and through collaboration it grew into this transformative system that tackles solutions in urban design, transportation, architecture, public art and philanthropy. The space truss geometry adapts to many uses such as the fast pace growth of our urban fabric. A few years back with surpassed the majority of global population to urban and that number is not slowing down. This type of growth creates an array of opportunities but also many challenges. With many growing cities in Africa, Latin America and the East, shelter and homelessness is a growing challenge. 'Quadror' is one example of how the process of design can assist many of our core urban challenges.

“We are interested in the transformative power of design as an interdependent response to social, economical and ecological matters.  Our work is the interactive process of inventing and providing (infra)structure and comprehensive systems to improve our ways of living. In effect, we believe that designers and users become co-creators.” by studio Dror.

Working with a team of experts conducting research and rigorous analysis, the 'Quadror' Home structure will provide the opportunity of providing shelter with local materials and less waste as it is both cost-effective and easy to ship.

Studio Dror is in the process of manufacturing 'Quadror' Home and hopes to be constructing their first dwellings in Sierra Leone. We will stay close to see this unfold as it progresses. Yatzer wants to congratulate Studio Dror for their hard work of not only getting this accomplished but also keeping quiet until completion. we know how hard it is! Also, we send our most sincere support as we know the work has just begun. We look forward seeing the development of the product and most importantly, seeing the positive impact it will have to many people.

 from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY