* 파타야 힐튼 호텔, 천장을 따라 흐르는 빛 [ Department of Architecture ] Hilton Pattaya Hotel

곡선을 따라 흐르는 천장의 빛이
끊임이 없이 이어진다.
길게 이어진 선형들의 리드믹컬 향연을 따라 가다 보면
어느새 로비의 공간에서 레스토랑으로 그리고 야외 풀장으로
자연스럽게 연계된다.
우리가 공간을 인지하는 순서는 어떻게 될까?
입면 그리고 바닥 그리고 천장?
입면적으로 건물의 형태를 이야기 해주는 것도 물론 중요하다.
하지만 공간의 연속성을 이어주는 중요한 요소로 천장은
색다른 요소로 작용하기도 한다.
특히 이번과 같은 방향성 있는 천장의 선형은
평면에서 기능때문에 포기해야하는
공간의 연속성 또는 컨셉을 대신 잘 표현해 줄 수 있는
요소로도 사용 할수 있다.
정말 건축에는 다양한 표현방식이 있어 많은 디자이너로
하여금 무엇이 정답이라고 말하지 못하게 만드는 매력이 있다.

Bangkok studio Department of Architecture have installed rippling fabric fins hanging from the ceiling of this hotel lobby in Pattaya, Thailand.

Located on the 17th floor of a tower over the beach, the Hilton Pattaya Hotel lobby was designed to draw visitors from a central elevator towards the windows and sea view beyond.

Air conditioning causes the fabric sheets to sway and ripple across the ceiling.

Lobby & Bar

The space given for a luxury hotel lobby and bar occupies the 17th floor of a tower high above the bustle of Pattaya beach below.

Configuration of the space was challenging due to relatively low ceiling-height comparing to its depth and width. Its accessibility was another challenge. Elevators bringing guests from the hotel Ground floor reception hall come up 40m. deep from the building edge keeping guests away from sea view.

Our proposal acknowledges these challenges by providing architectural intervention with a site-specific installation on its entire ceiling plane. The design of this space is centered on a fabric installation inspired by rippling lighting reflection on ocean surface looking from divers’ eyes. Guests stepping out from the elevators will be allured by wavy movement above and will drift forward toward sea view. Layers of fabric sway with air-con supplies giving an illusion of breeze appearing as a familiar outdoor feel to be out of an unfamiliar indoor context.

The space is bathed with natural light during the day. At night, certain translucent fabric strips are lit up from above presenting a sophisticate & dramatic rippling-water effect and casting a warm glow throughout the interior. This articulation of hundreds of curved fabric lines, helped by a mirror wall and a long strip of wooden wall with cave-like alcoves, creates an illusion of endlessly long but cozy indoor bar space.

More than half of the outdoor bar area is turned into a large reflecting pond with floating droplet-inspired daybeds connected by a narrow walkway. Hundred images of lighting fixtures are mostly reflections of the fixtures on water surface as well as on a glass balustrade creating glittering impression throughout outdoor bar at night.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY