*폴딩 타공메탈 하우스 외피 시스템 제안 [ arquitectura rifa ] AA2241

3개의 마당으로 이루어진 모던하면서 심플한 하우스다.
외피는 타공메탈을 설치해 평소에도
일정부분의 광량을 유지하면서
프라빗한 생활을 유지하도록 계획하였다.
특히 폴딩시스템으로 설치된 타공메탈은
아웃도어 스페이스 (중정, 앞마당, 뒤마당)를
이용할때 선택적으로 개폐를 하여 그 효용성을 높였다.
도시생활에서 프라빗과 개방성을 동시에
얻고자 한다면 지금의 시스템을
차용하여 계획하여도 좋을 듯 싶다.
또한 직사량이 많아 태양의 차폐가
필요한 곳에서도 부분적으로 차페를 하고
부분적으로는 개방을 하여 사용해도
좋은 시스템인 것 같다.

arquitectura rifa has designed 'AA2241', a single family home located in
montevideo, uruguay that features a malleable and porous skin.

the plan, developed in one level, looks to establish a strong bond between
the building and the land. elevational differences are minimum, and simple
details such as small ramps or window frames recessed into the floor,
strengthen this idea of accessible living.

inside, public and private spaces are defined in a horizontal sequence.
schematically, the program is broken into three sections - social spaces at the
front, an inner courtyard in the middle, and private spaces, the bedrooms at
the back.

a mobile glass roof over the central courtyard articulates the house, allowing
rooms to expand outwards and become usable year round. acting as an energy
resource for the dwelling, the void accumulates heat in the winter and allows
proper ventilation in the summer.

boundary walls enclose the site, hugging the sides of the structure, becoming
the main texture of the house. the residence - wrapped in perforated anodized
aluminum shutters that further merge the limits of interior and exterior - becomes
an interactive and evolving form, dictated by its users.

interior environments are rendered as simple and luminous with minimal
application of color and texture, relying mostly on the visual and physical relationship
with the garden.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY