*스페인 벽돌로 된 메디컬 센터 [ Doblee Architects ] Medical Centre in Milagro

벽돌로 심플하게 구성된 메디컬 센터:

정직한 사각의 형태에서 시작된 공간은 내부 공간과의

약속된 만남을 위한 부분에 적절히

오프닝을 계획하여 단정하면서도

합리적인 공간으로 구성되었다.

특히 저층부는 내외부 관계를 단순히 오프닝을 만드는 것이 아닌

적절히 메스를 덜어 냄으로써

그 오프닝의 확장성을 극대화 했다.

이로써 외부와 내부 공용공간의

관계성은 더 좋아지는데,

치료 또는 상담을 받기위해 대기 하는

로비및 라운지 또한

이용자들에게 하나의 치유의 공간으로

훌륭히 제공된다.

요새 벽돌 건물을 설계하고 있어서 그런지

벽돌 건물에 눈이 많이 간다.

오래되어서 익숙해졌다라는 느낌보다는

벽돌이라는 재료가 가지고 있는 디테일이

사람들에게 더 편안함을 주는 것은 아닐까 생각해 본다.

Here are some photos of a medical centre in Milagro, Spain, by Doblee Architects of Pamplona.

Consulting rooms are arranged down one side of the two-storey building and will be shielded from neighbouring houses by a garden planted with olive trees.

The information that follows is from Doblee Architects:

The project, beside giving content to the program of a medical doctor’s office, tries to generate a dialog between the interior of the building and the public space that surrounds it, having in it counts the sun and the spaces of privacy of the consultations.

With the volumetric game between the ground floor and the first one, one seeks to mark and to delimit the zone of access, generating a porch and, in turn, to provide the build of the well-deserved character of municipal equipment.

In the ground floor there develops the whole program that gives service to the patient, since they are the consultations and the offices.

In the first plant there are located two bedrooms, a kitchen and a lounge of the operatives who work at night.

The consultations are connected between them and arranged so that in a future they could be extended it was doing the garden that stays in the southern part.

These consultations are orientated towards the court of olive trees that works as filter between the Doctor’s office and the housings of to the side.

The intention is that the new building passes to form a part of the public square, reorganizing and revaluing the playgroud and the existing green spaces.

Medical Centre in Milagro, Navarra (Spain)

PROMOTER: Town Hall of Milagro (Spain)

Borja Izaguirre Larrañaga
Cristina Arregi Gonzalo
Silvia Echeverría Echeverría
Beatriz Gil Rodríguez

LOCATION: parcel nº 782 of the polygon nº1, between the street Profesor Turrillas and San Juan Avenue, Milagro, Navarra (Spain).


BUDGET: 588.420 Euros

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY