*멕시코 쉬프 양성스쿨 [ Gracia Arquitect ] The Culinary Art School

디자인과 요리가 만나 공간으로 담아내다.

삶을 요리한다. 공간을 조리한다.
 멕시코 바자에 위치한 클리너리 아트스쿨은
일반적인 하이스쿨과는 달리
 세계에 몇 안되는 쉬프 전문 양성기관이다.
고도로 숙달된 전문 쉬프들로 부터
교육을 받는 어린 교육생들은
노출콘크리트와 진한 오크향 가득한 원목의 공간과
함께 원숙한 요리로 조리된다.
감미로운 요리의 냄새가 나무에 스며들어
미숙한 공간이 완벽한 공간으로 조리 되듯이
어린 쉬프들은 이곳에서 전문적인 교육을 받으며
진정한 쉬프로 태어난다.
단순히 요리만을 가르치는 것을 떠나
심신을 수련하여 좋은 쉬프가 될 수 있도록
각 공간마다 깊이감을 담고 있다.

일반적인 스쿨과는 달리 깊이 있는 공간계획은
요리를 배우고 조리를 하는 것이
단순한 먹거리를 만들기 위함이 아닌
인간 본연의 삶이 투영된 요리를 만드는 것임을
깨닫게 해주는 좋은 배려가 아닐까 싶다.

reviewed by sj

You can relax now and forget all of your bad memories (should you have any…) of drab and dreary home economics classes because the newest cooking schools are cool.

It is true that The Culinary Art School in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico is not of the high-school variety – it is for serious chefs with high aspirations – but it oozes a new, cool confidence that could potentially turn even the most nonchalant teenager into a passionate chef.


The elegant use of wood is the key attribute in The Culinary Art School. Its new building was designed by San Diego, California-based Jorge Gracia Arquitecto whose founder, Jorge Gracia, was born in Tijuana in 1973.

The entire school complex carries an air of strict order, almost an ascetic solemnity. If you didn’t notice the stoves or wine racks, you could mistake this for a place of religious study.


And, passionate chefs certainly express a fervour for food, ingredients and cooking that could be likened to religious zeal. It is easy to imagine how the colours, textures and aromas of various ingredients stand out in this kind of environment. It is like a stage for culinary creation or like a frame for gastronomic artwork.

Also in the category of cool cooking schools is the Sydney Seafood School established in 1989 and completely refurbished for its 20th anniversary. It conducts cooking classes for all skill levels and draws more than 12,000 students annually.

Words such as handsome and sexy come to mind when you look at this space, the creative work of Dreamtime Australia Design, based in Sydney, Australia.

Some time ago, we have featured Dreamtime-designed Churchill Butcher Shop in Sydney.

In Sydney Seafood School, a tactile intrigue, and a contrast between serious study and serious fun, are evident in every space. The school’s entry wall is a honeycombed sandstone creation by sculptor Michael Purdy.

The dark and impressive hands-on kitchen looks formidable with lots of shiny stainless steel and glass, but its gravity is lightened by chalkboard walls with “fish graffiti” as art. The cool auditorium’s walls are lined with Icelandic fish leather. In the dining room, the harbour view competes for attention with a row of fun fishnet chandeliers and their more than 6,000 little globes. Where do we sign up? Tuija Seipell

from thecoolhunter


Designed by JB FACTORY