*컨템퍼러리 디자인, 화이트 뮤지엄 [ Estudio Arquitectura Hago ] Cádiz-Prehistoric Museum

컴템퍼러리 디자인 코드의 핵심 주제는
모던, 심플, 오너먼트 프리등을 통한
공간에 대한 진정성의 탐구에 있다.
디자인은 더하면 남기는 작업이 아니고
빼내어 더이상 불필요한 것을 남기지 않는 것이다.
(물론 이것 또한 관점에 차이가 있기 때문에
모든사람의 목표라고 말하지는 않겠다.)

스페인 작은 소도시 비에야스에 계획된 뮤지엄의
심플함과 모던한 형태는 지금의 디자인코드를

도로변으로 셋백하여 밀려 들어간 저층부는
어두운 톤처리로 상부의 백색메스를
 부가시키는 동시에 L형태로 내려오는
백색 메스가 건물의 입구가 되는 것을
스트리트 레벨에서 호흡보다 상층부 백색메스의
아이텐티를 부각시켜 시각적 유입과 내부로의
유입을 시키는데 초점을 맞추었다.
또한 적절하게 공간을 비워내는 디자인(보이드 워킹)을 통하여
외부의 환경을 내부로 투영시켜 내외부의
경계를 없애는데, 이것은 다시 내부의 중정안에서
하나의 공간으로 통합된다.

누군가의 눈에는 단조로운 디자인으로
재미없고 의미 없어 보일지 모르지만
이와같은 간결한 메스와 선을 찾기 위해서
수많은 선의 교차작업과 스터디를 통하거나
공간을 직관적으로 읽어내는 경험이 필요하다.
형태는 공간을 반영한다.
당신이 생각하는 것 만큼 공간은 쉽게 만들어 지지 않는다.

reviewed by SJ

The Interpretation Centre Cadiz Prehistoric is a reference to the prehistory of Cadiz. The new building contains an exhibition that shows several characteristics of that historic time. At the same time it is the starting point of different archaeological routes.

The building is located in the Benalup-Casas Viejas, Cadiz, a small town close to the coast in the Parque de los Alcornocales. The identity of the site is given by a natural environment in which the intense green of the trees is the main characteristic. The varied topography where it is set allows it to get different perceptions of the close and distant elements, providing the urban landscape with a green horizon.

The condition of the environment in terms of the adjacent buildings, each with different heights, forms a poor quality environment in the architectural context. The building addresses this situation by using the landscape as a reference by adopting a resounding exterior presence and leaving the surprises for the interior.
Externally, the building hides the walls of the adjacent architecture and keeps the alignment of the street, with a small setback, emphasizing the entrance. Any decorative element in the composition of the facade disappears showing only a unique void with dark glass. This void works by reflecting the landscape from the outside as well as capturing it from the inside, integrating the building into the natural environment. The resulting white volume fits with the traditional buildings of the context. Only the material used in the base, black undulated metal sheet, will show the contemporary character of a public building.

Inside the building, the light will appear through the courtyard and through a skylight which bathes the lobby.
The uncomfortable solar geometry is regularized through empty elements such as the courtyard or the main hall, adopted in an orthogonal method.
The routes are organized from a ramp that leads down from the outside to a small hall, which works as a diaphragm that invites the visitor to enter to the lobby, consisting of double height naturally lit.
The exhibition route begins on the ground floor and goes down into the basement through an open staircase, illuminated by the courtyard. In the basement two different areas are placed. On one side of the stairs the workshop room and the courtyard are located, which will be used as an exterior work space. On the other side, the first exhibition room is placed. The start of the route runs linearly through a second staircase which will lead the visitor to the higher levels, all of them illuminated artificially. The route concludes on a balcony on the top floor that shows the entrance hall downstairs, illuminated by natural light.

from  archello


Designed by JB FACTORY