*헬리콥터 VIP 라운지 [ Mission & Associates Limited ] Heliport VIP Lounge

헥사곤(육각형)이 만들어 내는
다양한 패턴의 조합은 유기적이며 미래지향적인
이미지를 만들어 낸다.
육각형과 허니콤 구조의 변형된 패턴은
균형감 있게 조화를 이루면서
아이텐티한 공간을 연출함으로써
헬리콥터 브이아이피 탑승객들에게
대중적인 교통수단의 라운지 공간과는
차별화되는 스페셜 스페이스를

reviewed by SJ

The spirit of helicopter service were uplifted by using of hexagonal shapes in different appearance progressing in a radial pattern to the centre of the site, where all the shapes and forms meet and diverse.

A1)The angular shape of the envelope were wisely adopted by combination of angled and round circulation path interlocking each other in a radial master plan.

A2)Hexagonal and circular zonings were well united into a windmill shaped layout with high tech image ceiling feature composed of honey comb patterns aimed to direct passengers’ perception to advanced and comfortable aviation service.

B)Brief & Concept Stage
B1)Design Brief
B1.1) The Task
The designer was appointed to tailor a progressive design for the lounge in order to promote the helicopter traveling services to a prestigious and advance experience.

B1.2) The Concept
Efficiency, technology and supremacy were the keywords to establish the theme. The theme was then expanded to reveal the ‘James Bond’ character which illustrates high caliber and supreme enjoyment that illustrates the life styles among top managerial class. Based on the theme, two design elements were used to further develop; honey comb patterns with hexagonal modules implied compatible organization and efficiency, while linear patterns suggesting speed and progression in order to bring out the implication for accuracy and determination that always come along with states of success..

C1)The reason behind the design

Reasons of the design were established in the mist of constraints. Constraints came from angular site and beams with unpleasant depths were turned into key design elements in the following manners

C1.1)By using groups of hexagonal zones linking to the central buffet counters and feature pool, the design created a geometric and manageable layout.

C1.2)Hexagonal modules appearing in positive and negative form were used to allow maximum shaping performance for the three rotating parabolic illuminated ceiling domes which were created to shape the raised headroom between the adjacent beams

from  archello


Designed by JB FACTORY