*미니멀리스트 보트하우스 레지던스 [ Susanne Nobis ] Minimalist Boathouse Residence Near Munich, Germany

미니멀은 아름다움을 만들고 모던함으로 표현된다.
전통적인 보트하우스의 목구조형식으로 지어진 레지던스는
4명의 협업으로 디자인되었다.(건축주,건축가,엔진니어,디자이너)
구조의 대부분을 나무와 유리를 사용하여 2동의 건물을 만들고
이것을 다시 브릿지로 연결하였다.
이중 첫번째 레지던스는 거주자에게 편안하며 윤택한 주거환경을 즐길 수 있도록
저층부에 거실과 식사,조리를 할수 있는
다용도실을 배치하고 상층부에 갤러리를 형성하였다.
이와는 달리, 두번째 레지던스는 두개의 오피스와 게스트룸을 저층부에 구성하고
상층부에 욕실과 화장실을 계획하여 워크스페이스와 퍼블릭 스페이스의
공간으로 계획하였다.
여기에 레지던스 전체를 지면으로 부터 60센티미터 정도 이격시켜
레지던스가 공중에서 부유하는 뉘앙스도 풍긴다.
특히 호수의 아름다운 전경을 감상 할 수 있는 뷰포인트와
내부로 유입되는 자연채광은 이집이 자연으로 부터
얻는 커다란 선물이지 않을까 싶다.

reviewed by SJ

Susanne Nobis has the enviable privilege of living in this gorgeous, tranquil house in Berg by Lake Starnberg (Starnberger See), a popular southern Bavarian recreation area for the residents of the nearby city of Munich.



As both the client and the designer, engineer/architect Nobis designed the home and office for her own four-member family and for her architectural practice.


It is a beautifully minimalist, modern take on a traditional twin wooden boathouse, popular by the lake. While the boathouses are on stilts over the water, Nobis’s house is on 60-centimeter high illuminated legs.
This gives the house its wonderful, impermanent, hovering feel but it was in fact a necessity in this location where the ground water rises very high. This also meant that everything must fit in the space above ground — no basement or cellar possible.


The structure, mainly of wood and glass, includes two separate but connected houses. House one includes living, eating and cooking functions on the ground floor, and the “gallery” above it.


In the second house, two offices and guest room are on the ground floor, bedrooms and bathrooms above it.

Nobis’s goals were to provide ample views of the lake, to let as much natural light in as possible and to not interfere with the surrounding nature or old trees.



She also wanted to use materials sparingly and economically, and to reduce everything to its essential beauty, purpose and function. Shelving and stairs of metal and wood, open storage, minimal furniture — all give the house its clarity and lightness.


The structure is long and narrow, but thanks to the use of glass and wooden slats, it appears almost transparent.
Nobis says that in essence, the house is nothing more than a shelter from the climate, a space where one can move as freely as possible. We envyingly agree.

- Tuija Seipell


from  thecoolhunter


Designed by JB FACTORY