자전거는 동적구조와 정적 구조의 균형감 있는 발란스를
통한 디자인을 추구해야 한다.
여기에 도시적 디자인의 모토인 미니멀과 컴팩트를
결합시켜 간결하며 유니크한 자전거를 디자인하였다.
서울디자인 재단에서 주최하는
서울 자전거 디자인은 향후 서울시에 설치될 시티바이크의
좋은 모범이 될 것이다.
지금도 시범 운행되고 있는 서울자전거를 이용해 보면
우리 도시생활의 미래가 보이지 않을까 생각든다.
reviewed by SJ
'flex' by ran amitai from israel is one of the shortlisted design entries from more than
3000 participants in our recent designboom competition, 'seoul cycle design 2010',
organized in collaboration with seoul design foundation.
the design of the compact city bike aims to achieve a holistic aesthetic by reducing
visual noise: the back fork is combined with the chain cover and the frame's form
is monolithic rather than a sum of different parts.
designer's own word
'flex' is a compact city bicycle. the intention of the design is to create a bicycle that has a whole form, as opposed to a normal bicycle which has many parts that are completely separated in terms of aesthetics.
to achieve this, I did two things: one was to create a monoblock form instead of many mechanical connections; and two, I combined the back fork with the chain cover for one element, which reduces the visual noise and creates a new iconic look. the brakes are located in the back wheel and operated by reverse-peddling. the handle bars are narrower than usual in order to achieve better transferability in crowded urban conditions. the body is made of carbon fiber which was formed on top of the fixed mechanical elements and still allows access to change old parts.
from designboom
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