*선큰 스포츠 홀 [ L3P Architekten ] Sport Hall Annex Landheim Bruttisellen

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3미터 하부로 선큰되어 있는 콘크리트 박스 안에 담겨진 것은
각종 이너 스포츠를 활동을 할 수 있는 액티브 스페이스이다.
최소한의 콘크리트의 구조체는 역동적인 형태로 상부 탑라이트의
전창을 외부로 오픈시킨다.
내외부의 3미터 높이의 단차는 외부의 빛과 시선을 자연스럽게 내부로
유입시키며 공간에 집중력을 준다.
그렇다. 외부자연과의 조율을 위해 겉으로 들어나는 볼륨을 작게 함으로써
스포츠 스페이스는 더 많은 것을 얻었다.
이렇게 획득한 외부의 빛과 공간의 유입은 내부공간의 밀도를 높여준다.

언젠부턴가 이와 같은 효과는 도심지의 퍼블릭스페이스를 조성하는 선큰에서 많이 사용된다.
물론 물리적인 높이를 필요로 하는 것 때문에 공간을 선큰 시키는 것은 아니지만
물이 중력의 법칙을 따라 하부로 내려가듯이 공간은 자연스럽게
흘러 하부에 맺힌다. 솔직히 나도모르게 만드는 선큰은 단순히 지하를 위한 하나의
비법처럼 사용하지만 그것은 하나의 회책일뿐 공간에 대한 제대로 된 정의에서
사용하고 있지는 않다. 하지만 지금 프로젝트와 같이 내외부의 관계를 정립하는
공간의 활용은 방향성도 좋고 지향점도 좋아서 많은 이들에게 좋은 사례로 사용 될수 있을 것 같다.

 reviewed by SJ

Thirty-two socially challenged youths live in the occupational training home in Brüttisellen where they also must spend their leisure time. The range of leisure time activities has been increased through the development of the 5/10/5 metre sport hall annex and the two adjoining fitness studios. Through the double use of existing adjoining rooms, the volume of the new building has been coupled with the main building.

Project: Sport Hall Annex Landheim Bruttisellen
Location: Riedtstrasse 9, 8303 Bassersdorf-Baltenswil
Construction: Caspar-Appenzeller-Stiftung, Neue Winterthurerstrasse 40, 8303 Bassersdorf-Baltenswil
Architecture: L3P Architekten (http://www.l3p.ch) ETH FH SIA AG, Unterburg 33, 8158 Regensberg;
Construction Management: Thomet Bauleitungen Planungen AG, Kloten; Alberto De Giorgi
Civil Engineer: Bona + Fischer Ingenieurbüro AG, Winterthur; Markus Fischer
Electrical Engineer: Elektro-Design + Partner AG, Winterthur; A. Baiker
Heating Engineer: Hans Spillmann AG, Kloten; Martin Nötzli
Ventilation Engineer: Thermatic AG, Zürich; Martin Oberholzer
Sanitation Engineer: Sanitär Krucker AG, Brüttisellen; Paul Vogel
Building physics: Wichser Akustik & Bauphysik AG, Zürich; Stephan Huber
Photography: Sabrina Scheja, Heerbrugg
Planning Begin: April 2009
Construction Time: March 2010 to July 2010
Start of Operation: 23.August 2010
Total space rebuilt after SIA 416: 980 m3
Gross Floor Space: 156 m2
Capital Expenditure (BKP 1–9): CHF 1 Mio.
Building Occupancy Expenses (BKP 2/m3): CHF 710/m3 (SIA 116); CHF 840/m3 (SIA 416)

As a flat building with the main body sunk 3 metres into the ground, the extension closes the central garden courtyard off into an access road. The contemporary design stands as a symbol for the development, respectively for the accomplishment of the buildings development between 2006 and 2011. The newly developed ensemble with administration, accommodation groups, schooling and leisure comprises all the building stages up until now and is upgraded to a centre embodied in a newly acquired free space.

The circumferential window band of the new building shows the curious visitor under the spell, one wants (and is allowed) to know which function underlies this building. The façade becomes transparent and a view in the courtyard is desired. With the evening bustle artificial light supports the meaning of the newly articulated middle point of the home.

The building is punctured through the circumferential window band, only a few precisely-assembled concrete support columns take over the reduction of the load and the bracing of the roof. The statics system, without a fixed grid dimension and with differing gradients of the concrete columns, is a part of the architectural concept. The total outer shell of the building, including the roof, is reduced to the materials concrete and glass. The raw concrete is façade, statics, earthquake resistance, moisture proofing and robust all in one. The interior with its moisture barrier, insulation, soundproofing and a sturdy surface in wood is the energy-efficient quick reacting inner core. Totally within the proven concept – hard outer shell, soft core.

The interior wooden panelling is from large-sized plywood boarding of French Jerusalem or Aleppo pine. To achieve an optimal acoustic, 85% of the boarding needed to be perforated. The non-perforated surfaces from approximately 40m2 were distributed through the room, so that a spiel between perforated and non-perforated boarding was generated.

from  plusmood


Designed by JB FACTORY