*애플신사옥, 잡스가 꿈꾸는 뉴애플캠퍼스 [ Foster + Partner’s ] new Apple Campus in Cupertino

뉴애플센터는 그에게 꿈이자 유토피아였다.
UFO를 연상시키는 원형도넛의 형태는 애플이 추구하는 새로운 세계에 대한
도전이며 창조였다. 순환되는 원형공간은 막힘없는 흐름으로
공간을 집약한다. 이렇게 집약된 공간은 아이디어, 제품연구, 시제품 제작 등
프로세스를 단축시키며 빠른 결정으로 애플만의 보안시스템과 선두기업의 이미지를
유지 시켜 줄 수 있도록 한다.
애플이 추구하는 원안의 세계는 애플을 통하여 원밖으로 투영되여 세상의 중심이 된다.
그는 가고 없지만 2015년을 기대해 본다.


만 3천명의 직원이 근무할 수 있는 2천 8백만 스퀘어 피트 오피스, 연구소

천명을 수용하는 오디토리움

휘트니스 센터

연구배후시설 3십만 스퀘어 피트

중앙 식물


reviewed by SJ

The city of Cupertino has released more details about the new Apple Campus, revealed back in June.

The new documents confirm Foster + Partners as the architects, working with ARUP North America and Kier & Wright, a local civil engineering firm that has worked on Apple’s current campus and buildings for other tech companies (eBay, Nvidia, Cisco, Netflix and Sun, among others).

About the program:

  • An Office, Research and Development Building comprising approximately 2.8 million square feet for up to 13,000 employees
  •  A 1,000 seat Corporate Auditorium
  •  A Corporate Fitness Center
  •  Research Facilities comprising approximately 300,000 square feet
  • A Central Plant
  • Associated Parking

It’s a pretty amazing building. It’s a little like a spaceship landed. It’s got this gorgeous courtyard in the middle… It’s a circle. It’s curved all the way around. If you build things, this is not the cheapest way to build something. There is not a straight piece of glass in this building. It’s all curved. We’ve used our experience making retail buildings all over the world now, and we know how to make the biggest pieces of glass in the world for architectural use. And, we want to make the glass specifically for this building here. We can make it curve all the way around the building… It’s pretty cool.

- Steve Jobs

The round shape has also been cited as an important part of the campus’ security (better perimeter control) and to improve internal circulations.

It’s interesting to see that the objectives of the project are focused on reducing the use of electricity by generating its own energy on an on-site Central Plant, provide open green spaces “for Apple employees’ enjoyment” and to “exceed economic, social, and environmental sustainability goals through integrated design and development”. It seems Jobs choose the right firms for this.

By looking at the drawings it seems that the project is ready to go, and now it’s waiting for city approval. The city has revealed that they are very likely to approve the project, so it seems everything is on route for an opening in 2015.

from  archdaily


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