*15평 리니어 스몰 하우스 [ Mizuishi Architect Atelier ] River Side House in Horinouchi


당신에게 이와 같이 막다른 골목에 위치한 협소한 삼각형

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분할되며 지금과 같은 길고 협소한 삼각형 형태의 대지가 되었다.

(대지 실제 크기는 15평정도 밖에 안된다.)

게다가 3층이상 볼륨의 건물로 만들려면 건축물 후퇴선까지

지켜야 하는 조건이기 때문에 2층의 총 연면적 16평짜리

주거가 계획되었다.

그런데 특이한 점은 1층 슬라이딩 도어를 열고 들어가면 바로

펼쳐지는 프라빗 스페이스이다. 가장 사적인 공간인 욕실과

침실을 저층부에 위치시키고 거실과 주방겸 식당을 2층에

위치시켰다. 이것은 아마 협소한 공간 활용면에서

주 생활공간인 거실을 2층에 두어 강의 파노라마 뷰를 확보하는 동시에

가장 넓은 공간을 활용 할 수 있기 때문이지 않을까 싶다.

그리고 다락방에 자녀의 놀이방을 계획하여 공간의 짜투리까지 이용하는

섬세함까지 엿볼 수 있다.

서울 한복판에 15평 대지가 있다면 당신도 이와 같은 집을 짓고

살고 싶은가? 나에게 묻는다면 나의 대답은 '예스'이다.

좁지만 획일화된 공간이 아닌 자신만의 공간을 갖는 것은

지금 붐처럼 일고 있는 '땅콩집'의 사례만 보아도 알 수 있지 않을까?

reviewed by SJ

This is a very small house built on the triangle site which the river and the way were crossed and made to the acute angle.For the dead-end road, it became a plan in various regulations for obtaining special permission. Residents are husband and wife and a little girl. Although it was a novel site of a limited area, since a river was faced through a bank and a promenade, I would like to build various relations with the river. The building is the form that cut an acute angle part on a triangle plan derived from the site.Furthermore,it got the maximum volume of hip roof of three planes in restriction of setback-line. Although the level0 floor was a private space,it limits for dividing with the curtain of a race in the door, stairs, storage, etc. except for a bathroom. It enabled it to feel a spread. The level+1 floor is devided into small areas by structural narrow walls,being connected with one by the ridgeline of a roof.So there are different open feelings and the relations with the river each.

Location : Suginami, Tokyo, Japan
Architect : Kota Mizuishi?Mizuishi Architects Atelier
Structural engineer : Kentaro Nagasaka
Lighting designer : Tatsuoki Nakajima
Contractor : Hirano-kensetu
Site area : 52.14m2
Building area : 29.07 m2
Total floor area : 55.24 m2

1. Dining&kitchen/The west side space up the stairs is the largest planarly, and has high ceiling with a feeling of rise towards the roof top.

2. Living/The central space is low ceilinged,and has full-opening windows on both sides as a balcony and the bay window that spreads outward with a feeling of floating

3. Spare room/The east side space in the deepest is a form which is narrowed down to the direction of flow of the river,and is a space watching the light to insert earlier of the abyss.

4. Loft/The space with two skylights is a space looking down at the river and looking up at the sky.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY