*포루투칼, 인리마 호텔 앤 스파 [ Topos Atelier de Arquitectura, Lda. ] InLima Hotel and Spa

장중한 백색 볼륨이 좌중을 압도한다.
포루투칼의 오래된 도시 리마에 위치한 인리마 호텔앤 스파는
중세의 건축물과 로마양식의 브릿지가 자연스러운 풍경안에 녹아 있는
한적한 전원에 위치하고 있다.
이와같은 자연환경 가운데 놓여진 건축물은 거리와 직각방향으로
위치하며 서측으로는 극도로 절제된 솔리드 볼륨을
동측으로는 수평띠와 글래스로 열린 공간으로
외부공간과 관계를 맺고 있다.
(묘한 발란스와 균형미를 자아낸다. 멀까?
모노리틱한 볼륨과 수평으로 열린 공간의 조화는...?)
특히 동측 파사드는 전면에 위치한 마을 공원과 맞다 있으면서
건너편의 수도원과 묘한 긴장감을 만들어 낸다.
묘한 긴장감은 주변경관과 버무러지며 좋은 풍경을 만들어 내는데,
이와 같은 파노라마 뷰는 객실에 위치한 테라스와
리셉션 구역 그리고 리프레쉬 구역에서 감상 할 수 있도록 설계되었다.
극도의 모던은 어쩌면 자연을 닮아 있는 것 같다.
어쩌면 낯설기만 할 것 같던 위치나 볼륨의 형태가
조금씩 자연환경 속으로 들어가는 것을 보면 말이다.

reviewed by SJ

The IN LIMA Hotel & SPA is located at the entrance of the village of Ponte de Lima, Portugal's oldest town, characterized by its medieval architecture, its Roman bridge and the natural surroundings overlooking the Lima river.
Connected to one of the town's public gardens, that becomes once a week a marketplace, the hotel benefits from the rooms' terraces and the reception and restoration areas of a magnificent panoramic view over the Lima river and its Roman bridge as well as of the wide avenue of plane trees that shades the architectonic ensemble of the convent of Santo António.


The building is materialized by a white concrete volume, closed on the west and open on the east, balanced on a wedge of copper and glass, placed on a monolithic stone base of Ponte de Lima's yellow granite. This is intended to establish with the convent and the chapel of Senhora da Guia, a trilogy that frames the garden spaces. The position of the main white concrete body, perpendicular to the street, and the overhang that houses the hotel entrance, allowed to create views of the architectural ensemble of the convent and finish the residential and commercial building whose extension was brutally interrupted. Kept below the sidewalk and lower garden level, the basement includes the technical and service areas, a conference room, 10 rooms and a spa.

The ground floor is dematerialized by a large glass that shelters the reception, the restaurant and the terrace areas, while the white concrete volume contains the remaining rooms and suites with terraces. This time, the complicated configuration of the terrain assigned to the hotel construction and the lack of continuity between the built elements, which constitute the entrance to Ponte de Lima, led to the design of a volume/autonomous object, whose function is to improve relations between the buildings and establish new dynamics able to provide the area with a little more urbanity.

from  architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY