*퍼즐 퍼니쳐 [ Praktrik ] Coordinate

조립가구 시리즈인 '쿠디네이트'는 다양한 나무조각들을 이용하여

공간의 상황이나 사용처에 맞도록 변형하여 사용 가능하도록 디자인 되었다.

퍼즐 조각 맞추기에서 모티브를 착안하여 발전된 가구의 결구 방식은

쉽고 튼튼하다-우리네 전통방식과도 흡사하다, 주먹장/내닫이 장부/제비철-

여기에 한발 더 앞서나아가 그들의 이야기 처럼

'플러그 앤 플레이'의 슬로건으로 단순한 가구의 조립차원에서 벗어나

다양하며 흥미로운 취미활동으로 발전 할 수 있는 여지를 만든다.

이렇게 발전되고 번형되는 디자인은 체어, 스툴, 테이블 등으로

디자인되며, 체어와 스툴이 혼합된 디자인이라던가, 두개의 벤치가 결합된

디자인 등 다양한 형태로 계획되고 구조된다.

상상력은 당신에게 있고 디자인은 현실에 있다.

표현하는 사람만이 공간을 갖을 수 있고 향후 할 수 있다.

reviewed by SJ

“Coordinate” is a collection of assemblable furniture. “Coordinate”; because, in order this designs be assembled all parts must be moved simultaneously and coordinated. Once assembled, the whole structure is very stable and can not be destroyed by moving just one or part of its elements. The inspiration comes from the interlocking burr puzzles where no fixtures are needed. Tools are also useless, only a little bit of imagination and dexterity is required. This involves certain interactivity and stimulates some intelligence from the user. I find this very important in a time when user friendly “plug & play” products prevail, sometimes bringing more intellectual devolition then evolution.

VST, VBT, VT1, VT2 – stool/ table/ bench system

VST …….. are assemblable puzzle furniture pieces. They consist of 5 interlocked plywood pieces that are equal both sides. All of them stay together without the need of any fixtures.

They are made of beech plywood. This material is typical for the region and produced locally. The production process is very simple involving just a regular 2D CNC router. The finish is plant oil; for, it is harmless and natural. Dissasembled, the system occupies little space and can be easily moved from one place to another. The names are formal representations of their structure – “V” is actually the roman digit 5 – the total number of elements and “S, T and B” come from “stool”, “table” and “bench”.

VIC, VIIC, VIB and VIIB – double sided puzzle seating furniture

VIIC ……. are assemblable puzzle seating furniture pieces. They consist of 6 or 7 interlocked plywood pieces that are equal both sides. All of them stay together without the need of any fixtures.

The back of these “charleston” like furniture designs is elastic, providing space for movement and also interaction in case of two seaters. They are made of beech plywood. This material is typical for the region and produced locally. The production process is very simple involving just a regular 2D CNC router. The finish is plant oil; for, it is harmless and natural. Dissasembled, the furniture occupies little space and can be easily moved from one place to another. The names are formal representations of their structure – “VI and VII” are actually the roman digits 6 and 7 – the total number of elements and “C” and “B” come from “chair” and “bench”.

from  plusmood


Designed by JB FACTORY