*잔디 테이블 [ PicNYC ] Grass Table

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초록 잔디로 가득찬 테이블은 이와같은 기운을 느끼며
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실생활에서 활용한다는 것은 다소 무리가 있는 것 같다.-

reviewed by SJ

Feel like having a picnic but not like going out on a sunday ? Haiko Cornelissen got the solution. picNYC is a conceptual table edited by his architecture office which offers an actual aluminium table for indoor placement but with a grass surface on top. Ideal for those who don’t feel like going out, who can’t go out, or who have rainy days wherever they live. Check out the pictures in the article & learn more about the New York & Amsterdam design studio on their website.

from  whitezine


Designed by JB FACTORY