*발리 풀빌라, 탄탄간 [ word of mouth ] villa tantangan

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이와 같은 연장선의 빌라 탄탄간은 풍부한 자연환경을 최대한 건축공간 안으로 유입시킴으로써

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각기 다른 레벨의 외부공간과 연계되며 하나의 커다란 건축공간을 형성한다.

-각 개실이 떨어져 배치 되어 있는 것은 최대한 외부자연과 더 많이 만나기 위함이

지역적 특징을 디자인 코드로 잘 살린 건축공간이
천혜의 자연과 어우러지며 평화로운 공간으로 귀결된다.

reviewed by SJ

bali-based firm word of mouth has completed the 'villa tantangan', a single family residence in a remote location of nyanyi beach on the western coast of bali, indonesia. bordered by the indian ocean and a river to the north, the 6,500 square meter property has views to a beach temple and distant volcanoes. its placement at an intersection of points of interest and the outdoors led to a masterplan of individual buildings arranged around a central courtyard. referred to as 'landscaped architecture', the design encourages dwellers to connect with nature and the built environment.

set at different levels on the rolling land, intimate internal spaces weave between the ancillary buildings. creating a self-sustaining complex, ventilation circulates through the grounds between the separated volumes and cooling the interiors.
passive cooling reduces the strain upon the system of solar panels and batteries. enclosed with locally sourced materials, the palette derives from the encompassing flora and fauna, further merging with the landscape.

containing a single room, the roofs of each construct are viewed as planter boxes, blanketed with natural vegetation and ponds. the elements harvest rainwater and provide additional cooling effects for the areas below.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY