*페이퍼 패브릭케이션, 머스탱 [ Jonathan Brand ] One Piece at a Time

결혼 다이아몬드 반지를 구입하기 위해 판매한 머스탱을
다시 만들어 보자. 잃어버린 머스탱에 대한 그리움이 이번 프로젝트를 하게 되었을까?
컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 통하여 구현된 머스탱은 종이패브릭케이션 된다.
정확하게 계산된 3차원의 부재는 플로터로 출력된 종이위에 2차원으로
프린팅 된후 입체패턴을 따라 종이를 접거나 구부리고 붙이면서
페이퍼 머스탱이 만들어 진다.

reviewed by SJ

One Piece at a Time by Jonathan Brand is a 3D paper version of a 1969 Ford Mustang. Stuck for cash, Jonathan had to sell his Mustang to buy a diamond engagement ring. The sculpture is almost as complete as the original including the body and interior. The details of the car are based more on his memory and a few photographs.

This work begins as 3D drawings on a computer.  I utilize a large format printer to translate the digital into the real world as a flat inkjet print. I then cut, fold and glue these numbered and labeled shapes together much like a complicated three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle.

I no longer have access to the original car and chose not to use a surrogate to measure and get all the details correct. I like when things are slightly off, in the wrong place or missing, just like my memories of the original.

from  creativeapplications


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