*비행기 무덤에 펼쳐진 환상의 그래피티 페인팅 graffiti painted world war II military planes

비행기의 무덤 아리조나로 가자
지금 그곳에 펼쳐지고 있는 그래피티 페인팅의 놀라운 세계가 열리고 있다.
하늘을 날지 못하는 새-비행기-는 다시 새로운 옷을 입고 저 멀리 높은 곳으로
비행을 한다.
2차세계대전에 사용되었던 퇴역 비행기위에 그려진 페인팅 작품들은
조종사들이 자신의 비행기 위에 징크스를 없애거나 자신의 마스코트와 같이
페인팅 하는 것에서 힌트를 얻어 거대한 벽화로 태어났다.

더이상 비행기의 무덤이 아닌 새로운 문화를 창출하는 뮤지엄으로
불러도 손색 없을 것 같다.

reviewed by SJ

the pima air + space museum (PIMA) is hosting 'art from the boneyard', a project curated by eric firestone, carlo mccormick, leslie oliver and med sobio featuring several non-functioning WWII american military airplanes covered in the painted work of contemporary artists. in 'art from the boneyard: return trip', how & nosm, retna, andrew shoultz, faile, and nunca, among other creatives, journeyed to a 'bone yard', a large resting space for planes in disuse, in order to complete the five massive mural paintings on the bodies of retired aircrafts.

the tradition of using the massive surface of a plane as a canvas has been a tradition in the united states air force for generations. 'nose art' became a popular form of graffiti painting in the WWII era as soldiers decorated the fronts of the planes which would carry them into battle. 'the boneyard project: return trip' is the second installation of the series in which the artists createda semi-sculptural, painted expression of his/her associations with the history of air travel and warfare.

the boneyard project: return trip
pima air and space museum, tucson, arizona, USA
january 28th, 2012 until may 31st, 2012

from  designboom


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