*종교보다 깊은 건축적 공간감, 씨앗교회 [ O Studio Architects ] Church of Seed

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하지만 그런 기우는 씨앗교회가 보여주는 건축적 공간에서 많은 부분이 해소 될 것 같습니다.
그러한 건축적 장치는 내부에 계획된 예배당과 명상실로 유입되는 빛을 통하여
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아침햇살을 가득히 유입시키는 전창이 있는 남동측 구역과 낮고 깊은 석양을
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예배실과 명상실을 구분 짓습니다. 그리고 물결치는 굽이치는 천장면은
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여기에 육중한 콘크리트 볼륨에 입혀져 있는 대나무의 잔물결
지역건설업자를 위한 대안이었다고는 하지만 건축물을
주변 자연과 교감시키는 하모니를 보여주고 있습니다.
-대나무를 이용한 거푸집은 대나무결, 텍스쳐를 그대로
콘크리트에 각인한다. 이렇게 각인된 대나무패턴은 콘크리트가 아니라
대나무 숲이 되어 주변 자연과 한껏 어울리게 된다.-
또한 교회의 교인들을 위한 예배와 명상의 공간은 마을주민들의
모임과 레크레이션 등 다양한 이벤트를 주최하는 공간으로 활용됨으로써
마을 문화와 깊숙히 융화됩니다. 그리고 내부에 비치된 가구들 또한 지역주민들이
수작업으로 제작함으로써 마을경제 활동에도 도움이 되고 있네요.

좋네요. 공간감, 건축적 깊이, 분명한 캐릭터를 가지고 있으면서도
주변과의 조우를 생각하는 그리고 더욱더 중요한 것은 문화와 사람을 존중하고
생각하는 공간. 좋은 작품입니다.

reviewed by SJ

Hong Kong firm O Studio Architects have completed a stark concrete church on the side of a sacred mountain in China.

Named the Church of Seed, the building on Mount Luofu is formed of three curved walls that curl around the interior like the casing around the seed of a plant.

Location: Huizhou, China
Site Area: 1200m2
Floor Area: 280m2
Status Built: 2010
Design Architect: O Studio Architects
Project Architect: Guangzhou Architectural Engineering Design Institute
Structure Consultant: Guangzhou Architectural Engineering Design Institute
M&E Consultant: Guangzhou Architectural Engineering Design Institute
Main Contractor: Maoming Construction Group Co. Ltd.

Vertical ridges in the surface of these inclined walls reveal the bamboo formwork that the concrete was cast into, while handmade bamboo furniture provides seating for 60 inside the central hall.

A large cross-shaped opening on the southeast elevation draws in soft sunlight in the mornings, while a solid west wall blocks out glare in the afternoons.

A staircase on the side of the church leads up to a rooftop observation deck.

We’ve featured all kinds of religious buildings on Dezeen, even a temple for atheistssee them all here.

Church of Seed

Church of Seed is located at Luofu Mountain Scenery District – one of the seven famous Taoist Mountains in China.

Although there are various kinds of Taoist and Buddhist temples in this district, western religious element has not yet been found.

Besides developing private houses, the client in this project intends to develop a small church for the surrounding village people in order to widen the spectrum of religious culture.

This church provides not only worship and meditation space for Christians, but also recreational and gathering places for the surrounding village people.

Instead of promoting Christian religion actively and aggressively, the message of religion is communicated subtly through the play of light and shadow in this architecture.

Situated within the beautiful landscape of Luofu Mountain, Church of Seed has an area of 280m2 and can accommodate 60 people.

The design concept is triggered by the form of a seed – a famous metaphorical element in the Gospel stories.

A curve line follows the outline of a seed and marks the enclosing wall element. The curve is then split into three parts, and three entries are formed at where the curve wall splits: the south east facing wall has a cross shape opening which introduces morning sun into the interior; the west facing wall is solid and blocking the afternoon sun; the north facing wall is thicken to accommodate toilet facility.

The stepping roof terrace allows diffuse northern daylight into the interior and provides a dramatic headroom increment (3 – 12 meters) from the main entrance towards the worshiping space. Visitors can walk up to the stepping roof terrace, arrive at the observation deck and enjoy the distant view of mountain and water.

Church of Seed has a raw, natural and non-decorative material language.

The main structure is constructed by in-situ concrete with bamboo formworks. In-situ concrete construction is economically sound and practical for local builders. The bamboo texture left on the concrete surface reduces the massiveness of concrete wall and harmonizes with the surrounding trees and green landscape. Plus the transparent windows and doors, and the handmade bamboo furniture by local farmers, the presence of the church is humble and close to village life.

Although a seed is the starting point of this design, the church does not intend to literally illustrate its image.

The abstract form and space of the church is conveyed through the play of light, shadow, material and texture.

This is not a piece of architecture which purely celebrates its sculptural form, but a building which respects the natural environment and local culture.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY