*모던 스툴 [ Simon Legald ] Sumo

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reviewed by SJ

Normann Copenhagen presents Sumo, designed by Simon Legald

For Normann Copenhagen designer Simon Legald has created a pouf in a class of its own. Sumo’s simple expression makes it easy to spot the detail and complexity of the upholstery and stitching; and the materials – wood, textiles and buttons – have been playfully combined. The visual expression is robust and friendly.

The inspiration behind Sumo originates from the classic Danish furniture industry, in which special attention is paid to the detail and craftmanship in creating the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality.

Simon Legald says: “I enjoy working with techniques which are necessary for the design and I like including – instead of hiding – them as part of the design. The synergies, upholstery and buttons therefore play an important part in the otherwise simple design. I have also consciously stayed away from the square shapes and made the expression soft and pleasing to the eye.”

Sumo is a multifunctional piece of furniture and can be used as an extension to the sofa, a feature in the bedroom or a stool in the entrance hall. It comes in five classic colors: black, grey, beige, purple and turquoise.

Materials: Gabriel fabric and ash wood

Size: 40x65x45cm

Price: $ 460

from  dagensdesign


Designed by JB FACTORY