*클라우드 캐노피 [ Asadov Studio ] Artificial Clouds for 2014 Winter Olympics

'비행건축'이란 단어가 생소하기는 하지만 프로젝트가 제시하는 프로그램과 기능들은
 상당히 재미있는 컨텐츠를 보여줍니다. 아사도브 스튜디오에서 디자인한 인조구름
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형태의 구현은 건축가의 의무라고...- 이러한 스트럭쳐의 기본적인 형상의 기원은
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-어떻게 일종의 하늘에 떠있는 캐노피 같은 역활이네요.-
여기에 인조구름은 한발더 나아갑니다.
거리의 다양한 축제와 엔터테이먼트를 위한 광고 및 사인으로도
훌륭히 제안됩니다.

아마도 관건은 이것을 가능케 하는 멤브레인 패브릭의 효용성과 안정성일 것 같습니다.
아무래도 공중에 부유하는 객체는 누구든 보장 할 수 없습니까요.

reviewed by SJ

Designed by Asadov Architecure Studio for the Aerostatic Architecture Competition in 2010, the project envisions a universal system of modules capable of clustering and separating at great heights. The design has various functions.

The Clouds consist of aluminium skeletons fitted by a membrane fabric, divided into a number of compartments. Rigid connections between “clouds” stabilize their vertical movement and give stability to the whole structure. The structures are reachable by means of platform-boats, available on each module. The project can also have a cooling effect, as sets of rain funnels accumulate moisture in the lower parts of the modules. Solar elements are integrated within the top layer of the cover, developing necessary electric energy for life support and illumination. Besides these hybrid types of “clouds”, the ensemble also contains separate “air turbine modules”.

With reference to the Olympic complex in Sochi, several scenarios of behavior are possible: the design can act as a canopy structure, covering the foot parkway, it may accommodate VIPs and press members in the mountain ski area, etc. After the Olympics, the “clouds” can overlap the city streets during various festivals, providing entertainment and media support.


Designed by JB FACTORY