*오버플로링 랜드스케이핑 [ Atelier Altern ] Overflowing

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형태의 파동을 지오메트릭화 합니다. 이것은 예전 장소가 가지고 있던 건축적
자취에 대한 노스텔지아를 쫓아 감으로써 현재의 지형과 간극을 만들어 냅니다.
이러한 간극 속에서 발생하는 활동적인 에너지는 정적인 중정을
향후 이곳을 이용하게 될 청소년들에게 열정, 창조, 공연, 패션, 건축
다양한 문화매개체로 전달하게 됩니다.

이곳은 인근 주민들 사이에서는 예전부터 유명한 장소로 인지되었던 곳입니다.
하지만 건축적으로 유서 갚은 돔형태의 성당은 더이상 활용되지 못하고
방치되어 있었습니다. 그것을 새롭게 2014년 완공을 목표로 청소년들의
다양한 문화활동을 제공하는 아트센터로 리뉴얼 합니다.
그중 아웃도어 스페이스의 조경디자인은 내부의 건축적 공간을 연결하는
중요한 구심점으로 과거의 유산과 현재의 문화프로그램 공간을 연결합니다.

reviewed by SJ

Landscape architecture design agency Atelier Altern has been present in the French city of Toulouse where the first edition of « Imaginez maintenant » was taking place.

« Imaginez Maintenant » is a national event in support of youth creation, including performances, fashion, architecture and poetry, as well as an experimentation field for young landscapers to share, over the summer, a contextual and sensitive vision on emblematic French heritage sites. In order to represent the profession of landscape architect among the national sphere of creation, the city of Toulouse through the regional center of choreography Toulouse/Midi-Pyrénnées (C.D.C. Toulouse) has given the possibility to transform emblematic French heritages sites of the town : the old Hopital de la Grave.

Landscape architecture : Atelier Altern, Sylvain Morin & Aurélien Zoia
Client : regional center of choreography Toulouse/Midi-Pyrénnées
Location : Toulouse, France
Festival : “Imaginez Maintenant”
Design year : 2009-2010
Year of construction : 2010
Area : 1500 m2
Budget : 10 000 euros HT
Text & Images: Atelier Altern

The two landscapers have decided to work just in one of the yards of the Hopital de la Grave, located in Saint-Cyprien quarter of Toulouse.
Well-known by the local people for its famous chapel in a shape of dome, easily found from the surroundings, La Grave , now disused, will become in 2014 the new regional center of art and choreographic programs. In this particular context of architectural heritage, Sylvain Morin and Aurélien Zoia wanted to act with poetry and simplicity. In fact, they are transforming the space, just with a simple field of wood sticks covering all the Ste Monique back yard, adjoining the Saint-Joseph chapel. By an  iundulation impression, the wood sticks look like a condensed and repetitive pattern. An imaginary effect of overflowing in a space where stays a dried up fountain for long time…
This act between art and landscape is more based on an elementary approach : to be affected by the sight of the ordinary in telling the extraordinary. It’s also remind to the visitors the overflowing that had filed the Hospital years ago.

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY