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주거공간과 다양한 커뮤니티 공간의 접합은 대지의 활용성을 거주민에게만 국한하지 않고
넓게 도시와 접하도록 함으로써 대지와 건축물에 고유한 캐릭터를 저층부 유니크한
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몇몇 소수를 위한 장소와 공간이 되는 것이 그 대지의 값어치를 올리는 일이 아닙니다.
보다 많은 이들과의 접점이 많아 질 수록 장소와 공간의 값어치는 올라 갑니다.
reviewed by SJ
The project of the New York City Theatre, designed by David Vecchi & Emanuela Ortolani,
stems from the intent to promote the independent play and recover the
pioneer spirit that distinguished Broadway at the beginning. Exhibited
in the ESA gallery as part of the Selon du Dessin in Paris, The proposal
is for a mixed-use building that, in addition to the main function of
theater, welcome inside offices and residences. More images and
architects’ description after the break.
Underlying this choice there is an economic reason. Given the high price of land in Manhattan, is convenient, in order to maximize the potential value of the plot, thicken a greater number of functions within a single building. Part of the proceeds, due to the sale or rental of the real estate units will also have the basic task of funding the theatrical activity as long as the entire structure will not become economically independent and therefore able to provide a genuinely free and really unconditional cultural activity.
from archdaily
'REF. > Architecture' 카테고리의 다른 글
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