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우리가 살아야 할 곳은 공중으로 띄어진 콘크리트 박스 안이 아니라 대지와 접하면서
살아 숨쉬는 쉘터와 같은 곳이 아닐까요?
reviewed by SJ
Let’s say that Yatzer was a hotel, it would definitely be NoMad; a new addition to New York’s North of Madison Square Park district housed in a converted turn of the century Beaux-Arts building. And for those of you who quite didn’t get it - NoMad derives its name from the district that it is located in [No]rth of [Mad]ison Square; the brand new hotel oozes modern European grandeur combined with a characteristic Downtown edge. The NoMad Beaux-Arts building has been fully restored to its original splendor and its magnificent interiors are the inspiration of the multi talented French architect/interior and garden designer Jacques Garcia. Jacques Garcia himself is best known for his contemporary interiors for Paris’ hotels and restaurants including the famous Hôtel Costes, as well as for his unique house with the astonishing gardens, The Château du Champ-de-Bataille, which we were fortunate enough to visit last year as part of our visit at The Goodwill Revival.
The Sydell Group acquired the magnificent turn of the century building in the spring of 2008, which is located just one block away from The Ace Hotel New York. The 133,000 square-foot landmark building was then converted into a Parisian inspired lifestyle hotel that speaks to the building's architectural heritage. The NoMad hotel which opened its doors to the public on April 1, 2012 is intended to be a fresh take on the classic grand hotels of Europe with a distinct New York feeling and twist however. Whereby the interiors are inspired by the Parisian flat of Garcia’s youth, the building’s restored Haussmann-like façade is cleverly brought inside.
The accommodations aside, the property features a high-ceilinged lobby, as well as towering ceilings throughout all of its the public spaces. The high-ceilinged lobby with original detailing and a glass roof atrium offers the ideal space for all day dining, drinking and socializing (perfect). And here we get on to the eating and drinking; the quality of the food and beverages at The NoMad Hotel is first class with names such as Daniel Humm, the Executive Chef at Eleven Madison Park, and Will Guidara, the General Manager of Eleven Madison Park at the F&B helm. N.B. Eleven Madison Park was recently awarded 'Outstanding Restaurant, USA 2011' by the James Beard Foundation.
The NoMad Hotel is a hot new addition to NYC’s line up of boutique hotels, sure to be a big hit with both local and international jetsetters where its central location is sure to tick many boxes for its proximity to SoHo, Greenwich Village and the Meatpacking District.
from yatzer