*모던한 작은 예배실 [ Space for Prayer ] Kouichi Kimura Architects

빛과 그림자 그리고 이것들을 포옹하는 현대적 감각의 모던한 스페이스

종교를 넘어 무언가를 전달합니다.

극도로 절제된 작은 예배실을 이루는 백색의 공간은 종교성이 뿜어내는

짙은 향기를 빛이 맺어지는 그림자에 고스란히 담아 냅니다.

reviewed by SJ

Inspired by the bible sayings that reference light and dark, a church in Shiga, Japan, is a visual contrast of the two.

‘It goes without saying that the location and amount of light influence the expression of the symbolic light,’ says architect Kouichi Kimura. ‘Therefore, I decided that the only light coming into the place of worship would be from behind of the cross.’

This light creates the visual effect that the cross is floating. As it reflects onto the white wall, it works to brighten the space. A countering black wall encloses the remainder of the room, acting as a contrast.

from  frameweb


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