*자연과 동화됩니다 노르웨이 자동차 검열소 [ jarmund/vigsnaes arkitekter ] gullesfjord weight control station

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높이에서 결정됩니다. 그러면 곧 자연과 하나가 됩니다.

reviewed by SJ

oslo-based practice jarmund/vigsnaes arkitekter has completed the 'gullesfjord weight control station' in gullesfjord, in the county of troms, norway. positioned along a roadway junction to lofoten or vesterålen island, the building is outfitted to measure truck weight, accommodating the projected increase in heavy load transportation to the region. bordered by the untouched landscape of a national park, the structure is defined by a concrete roof surfaced with vegetation to minimize its visual impact and blend into the fragile surroundings.

supported with inclined columns, the canopy angles and dips downward to conceal the east-facing glass facade. minimum clearance for the vehicle heights are maintained at the north and south elevations. the technical spaces and offices will support 3 to 4 employees.

location: gullesfjord, troms, norway
building type: truck inspection station
client: statens vegvesen, region nord v/frits karlsen
size: 308 m2
schedule: finished 2011   
consultants: as frederiksen, unionconsult boro vvs og miljø as, malnes og endresen as
primary architects: einar jarmund, håkon vigsnæs, alessandra kosberg, stian schjelderup, kazuhiko yamada

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY